
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Traveling Rosedale Road

Leaving the library conference last week, I suggested to Larry (my ever-patient husband) that we try a different way home. We've been on Rosedale Road before, but it is not that easy to find because while it's called Rosedale for part of its length, it's called Gassaway Road at its end and Chapel Road at its beginning. Very confusing. And it had been a few years so we weren't entirely sure where the road was in the first place. But Larry turned off the interstate and we went up the road we thought was the right one.

This drive led to a tiny little camp at its end. It looked like something from a fairy tale to me.

A beautiful barn made us turn around and go back to get a good photo. This use of wood not only makes the barn stronger, it also let the builder use up shorter lengths of wood. Note the cut-stone foundation.

This empty house was the homestead on which the barn lived. Although no one lives here, it seems someone is mowing the grass. Brave daffodils continue to bloom.

Further up the road (we still weren't sure where we were) we saw this well-maintained barn. I believe we were in former dairy country, back in the days before so many federal health regulations forced the smaller dairies out of business. I understand the need for precautions, but I remember when you could visit farms like this and buy raw milk for $1.00 a gallon and make your own butter. Even in northern Virginia, we were able to do that in the early 1970's. Now it's impossible to buy raw milk at any price.

Yet another beautiful homestead. Even on a gray, rainy day the care put into this place is obvious.

An old meeting house, maintained but no longer in use. Thank you to the person who is keeping this place in shape for future generations.

Rolling meadows and pastures wear their mantle of fog and rain beautifully.
Rosedale Road is only one of hundreds such drives in central West Virginia. You won't find these places listed as tourist destinations but for the real flavor of West Virginia, these are the places a traveler needs to visit.


  1. Your photos remind me so much of my home in eastern Kentucky, where I grew up. I know it isn't W.V., but it is a lot like your photos. Have to look 'up' to see the sun in some of those hollows.

    Really enjoy your 'road trips'.

  2. Thanks for posting the beautiful photos. I'm ready for a long ride.

  3. Eastern Kentucky certainly has its hills, Farm Girl. Where I live isn't quite that steep :-) but close enough.

  4. Thank you. That was beautiful.


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