
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cadyn Olivia Smith

Welcome, Cadyn: 6lbs 15 oz, born at 4:47 pm today.

Mother and child, Jordan and Cadyn.

New grandfather Jonathan and his new little girl.

And Great Granny and baby.


  1. Congratulations Sue. Can't believe you are a great grandma. So young for that. Everyone looks happy. Enjoy her, I know you will, Debbie

  2. She's a little doll - congrats, Sue!

  3. So cute! and look at the special "grandma smile"! Hugs,

  4. congratulations sue!!! like others i cannot believe you are a great grandma~i can just imagine the wisdom you will be passing down!

  5. Congradulations, Being a great granadma is wonderful. My next great is due in September. What a beautiful name. I love the smell of a new baby,can't wait for ours to arrive. Lilly

  6. Congratulations! I love the name they chose.

  7. Congratulations, give eveyone a hug and kiss from me.

  8. What a beauty! Congratulations! I can't wait to meet the newest generation at the reunion.
    Hugs and Kisses to all,

  9. Congratulations to all the family on the new arrival. Its a lovely set of photos.

  10. Being a great-grandmother agrees with you, you are positively radiant in the photo's. Congrats!


  11. Congratulations! And welcome Cadyn Olivia!

  12. So precious, Great Granny Sue!

    I love her name!!♥

  13. God has blessed your family with a beautiful girl and she is so blessed to have been born into such a wonderful family.

  14. thank you everyone! We are very happy that everything went well. I will be going back to the hospital this evening and hope to have more photos to share. we realized yesterday that our Aunt Grace in England and Aunt Flo in Canada are now great-great-great aunts, and our Uncle Ted in England and Uncle Barney here in the US are rgeat-great-great uncles. Semehow I had not considered how many generations we actually have living right now. Amazing.

  15. Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! I am so glad everything went well. I was worried all day yesterday.

  16. oh my goodness. I don't think I have ever known or know anyone with g.g.g. aunts/uncles. That is amazing! Awesome. Tell more.

  17. How beautiful! Congratulations to Jordan especially and I hope she goes on doing well; Cadyn's such a lucky little girl.

  18. Thank you, Virginia, Jaime, Susan and Nance.

    It is unusual to have so many living generations--basically you have to have a lot of young mothers. My mother was the youngest in her family, I believe, or perhaps next to the youngest. My father was the middle child in his family. His younger brother and his older sister are still living.

    My mother passed away three and a half years ago, but she still has 3 living siblings who are all in their 80's. My ex-husband's mother is the only living great-great-grandparent, however. The others all left us in the past 5 is bittersweet in a way--my mother would have loved to see this baby, I know. Still, Mom and Dad saw the birth of about 35 grandchildren(I've lost count, but I think that's right) and many, many great-grandchildren, and none of their 13 children preceded them in death so they were very fortunate in that way.

  19. Congrats to you all on the beautiful addition to your family!! Love the photos.

  20. Thank you, Tipper! She is home now and getting settled in, and her little aunts (so funny to call someone "aunt" at 11 years old, but then my youngest one was "uncle" at 3) have all arrived to meet her.


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