
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dogs, Guitars, Art and More Babies

It was a perfect morning to be in town. The county art show, which had been on hiatus for some years, was on the courthouse lawn, the Red Hat Ladies were in town, grandchildren and their parents were visiting, and the sun was shining. Here are a few photos from this morning:

Benson gets visited by the Red Hat Ladies. He is such a funny dog--even with all the windows down, he would not jump out of Jennifer's Jeep. But he liked the ladies visiting!

And he liked resting on the courthouse lawn with Kate. The breeze was soft and cool early in the day and as Jon said, it would have been easy to stay under the trees and people watch all day.

The art show was an interesting mixture of mediums (media?). This giant pipe attracted a lot of attention:

A new music store in town drew Jon, Kate and Cassidy. Cassidy and Jon tried out the electric guitar, and Jon bought a drum set for Kate's band.

More babies: Back at home, the wren eggs in the basket by the front door had hatched. The little ones have big mouths and can certainly raise a ruckus if they think their mother and father aren't being attentive enough.

We picked up a load of mulch and some woven wire fencing for the chicken yard, but the afternoon got too hot to do much outside work. It's still about 85 degrees and I am not acclimated to such heat yet. So I watered the greenhouse, tidied up the porch and worked on my ballad workshop for next weekend.

Now, to get back outside and enjoy the evening on the deck. Tomorrow we'll need an early start to beat the heat; a high of 92 --92!--is predicted. Yuck. Thursday morning it was below freezing just before dawn, and Wednesday morning we had snow flurries.

Tis confusing!


  1. I'm a member of our local Red Hat Group...I wear the pink hat until I'm 50 though. We have so much fun together!

    My Hubby would have been all up into that guitar store!! ;D

  2. The temperatures are still struggling into the very low 60s here but truthfully that suits me better than 85 and the low 90s are the stuff of nightmares - I don't cope all that well with the heat especially if it's humid. Sounds like you all had a good sort of Saturday.

  3. Wow, how do you get from snow flurries to such heat in two days? Amazing. I hope the weather's kind to you for whatever you're planning for Mayday, and that the garden makes the most of it!

  4. Kate has a band? That's great!

  5. Our weather can be schizophrenic--hot one day, cold enough for a fire the next. I suppose that's what makes us hardy (or sick!). Everything is bursting green now, but we still have a few days until our last frost date.

    Kate's band is fledgling but she likes it. Kate plays the bass. Cassie plays guitar but I don't think she's in Kate's band. I love it that this generation is into playing music because that's the one regret of my life, that I don't play an instrument. I've tried but it's just not in me.

  6. Hey now! You do play an instrument...your voice.


  7. Where we live they have a 90 mile yard sale every year. I have not gone the last couple of years but this year I have my walker I will not be kept away. I have really found some unusual pieces of folklore. Used to have lawn ornaments before we sold our home but now settle for deck planters and grape tomato plants. Sometimes our deck looks like a small garden,bit I enjoy taking care of our minature garden. Love your folk stories. Lilly

  8. Thank you for that, Amy. I love to sign but when it comes to an instrument I am a klutz. I have a dulcimer I play with (note that I said "play with" not play! I love to mess with it, but when it comes to anything else, forget it.

    Lilly, I can't imagine a 90-mile long yard sale! I bet you find some very cool stuff. My house is full, really, but sometimes I find something that just says it belongs to me. And often those little items I find inspire me in some way. I love your courage--you're like my mother, who didn't let age and bad health stop her from doing what she wanted to do.

  9. Wow! I had only seen earlier pictures of Benson and I guess I thought he was still a pup. He's huge.

    It looks like you all had a lot of fun.


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