
Thursday, April 30, 2009

The New Blue Bottle Bush actually a tree. The one we made last year had issues--it kept bending and the bottles were falling off. So we regrouped this Spring, Larry climbed the tree, and voila!

The blue balls are from '60's candle holders that were in a $2 box of junk at the auction. I love them hanging on the tree.

I think it's perfect, and there is plenty of room for more bottles. This time we corked them and hung them with wire. I need a few small corks for some small bottles that are not on the tree yet.

The brownie seems to like his new neighbor pretty well.

Look closely at this photo. You may need to click on it to make it large. Do you see a face in there? Kinda creepy--I think we've caught our first evil spirit!


  1. It is beautiful! I am in love with this. I am wondering if Al will think I've lost my mind when I suggest this. He thought a line of prayer flags was a bit much for our yard!

  2. Now that's a beautiful recycling job if there ever was one!

    I did see something in the bottle... oh no! It's ... Winnie the Pooh?! (seriously, I'm seeing W.T.Pooh in the bottle).

  3. Love this. I found a site where you can actually order a rebarb (sp?) tree frame and bottles--I'm thinking of having my sweet husband make me the frame. I'm sure we can find a variety of bottles for it. I wish I'd have thought of marketing it--too many people will buy something they can make themselves.

  4. I love your blue bottle tree, what an inspired idea. I can see a face in profile - not one I like particularly!

  5. That is awesome! I love it! And I can't wait to see it in person.

    and yes I do see something in that last picture. it is rather creepy.

  6. What I like is the folklore of it. I linked to the post I wrote last year about the tree--that post contains a lot of information on the history and lore of the blue bottle trees. Cathy, my husband jumped right on it--he loved it! But then he's kinda warped.

    Winnie the Pooh? really? I caught winnie the pooh? I'll have to look again! I am wondering, now that I've corked the bottles (to keep water out and keep them from freezing and breaking or being a nesting ground for mosquitoes) how the evil spirits will get in! Of course, they're wily so they probably just pop the corks, slip in and put the cork back again-then can't remmeber how to get out. I'm sure that's how it must work.

    Laura, I wanted my husband to make me a tree too. He never had the time or right materials, so this is the next best option. I'd like to see yours when it's completed.

    Rowan and Jaime, I'm glad i'm not the only one seeing things here! Except Susan, of course--But she sees the world in a way unique to her--if you read her blog, you already know that! winnie the p?

  7. I absolutely want to do this. I guess i will have to resign to drinking Reisling for awhile. *snickers*

  8. I've never posted...but...I see Pooh too! (left eye and brow, nose and mouth) He wants out!

  9. It looks pretty and creative, Sue. The last pic is creepy....I'm thinking that I need to do one of these trees too.

    (Jessie calls the blue bottles, 'haint bottles')

  10. Very pretty, Susanne. I'm glad you didn't get them too close together, or they'd hit each other and break in a big wind storm. I like the second picture, it looks like big blue bottle raindrops falling from the sky.

  11. The bottles are so pretty! I've wanted to make my own bottle tree-ever since you posted about it last year.

    Love all the gardening posts too-yall have everything looking great!

  12. I know you must have a story somewhere connected with the blue bottle tree which I've missed. I remember seeing a movie with a scene in it about a bunch of wine bottles hanging from a tree to remind a woman of all the evil she did when she once had a drinking problem. Can you tell me more or direct me to more about your tree? I used to save bottles for such a project but never brought it to fruition.


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