
Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Perfect April Evening

Tonight was a perfect Spring evening. We planned to attend a play in town, maybe go out to dinner. But the light was too perfect, the air so clear and scented with lilac, and the whippoorwills were calling for the first time this year. Who could leave all that to sit in a dark theatre or noisy restaurant? (A bad headache was a good persuader to stay home too)

So we walked around the gardens, discovered the first potatoes breaking through the ground, discussed redoing the pig pen, decided that one of the apple trees needs some major pruning, checked on the little chicks,
noted a grape arbor post that needs to be replaced, picked up odd bits the dogs have dragged in, checked the little leeks I planted Sunday, built a fire in the fire pit, poured a little wine, petted the dogs, listened to the chickens going to bed and sat outside until it got too chilly even with the fire.

By then the headache was completely gone. Isn't it amazing what relaxation and a little time outside can do for our health?


  1. Sounds like a great evening to me. Glad your headache is better.

  2. Sounds like a perfecting evening to me. It was beautiful yesterday. I sat in a rocking chair out front reading a book about the Incas. Here's to more beautiful spring evenings (raises glass of Chardonay).

  3. An evening out is nothing compared to an evening outdoors... my best memories are of the summer evenings on the back step with my parents, watching the rabbits play and listening to the birds sing their goodnight songs.


  4. Looking forward to lots of days/evenings outdoors. All of your green is making me a little jealous--hopefully we'll be green soon.

  5. Your area is always so beautiful, especially in spring...I'm sure it was very relaxin'!

    Things are just starting here...maybe soon though my little oriental lilac by the front door will bless us with her glorious perfume!

  6. A wise and beautiful choice to enjoy the beauty around you! Life is a feast!

  7. Lovely. Idyllic. Thanks for showing it to us through your eyes. Ellouise

  8. Sounds like a wonderful end to a spring day at home.

  9. that sounds like such a perfect evening and i felt as if i were there too


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