
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Quiet Saturday

That was the plan. A quiet, slow day with nothing planned. This year, for the first time since I can remember, I have no eggs to dye and no baskets to make.

So we had nothing on the agenda when we got up. We figured to hang out at the house, look online to see what was going on that we might go to, do some cleaning up and then head out to see what we could find.

That is not what happened. First I looked online--nothing going on at all. Of course, it's Easter weekend. No festivals or fairs are likely to be planned on Easter weekend. Then I remembered seeing some baby chicks advertised in the Market Bulletin. I called. No answer. The more we thought about it, the more we wanted to get our chicks now. Today. I called Charleston, Ripley and Spencer. No chicks. Parkersburg. No Chicks. Marietta, Ohio--voila! Baby chicks! But we had to be there by noon.

We arrived at Green Valley Feed Store in old-town Marietta at 11:30am--and there were no chicks left. All had been sold just before we got there. BUT the owner had sent about 30 chicks with his brother to a flea market. We got directions and headed to the flea market.

We were in luck. The chicks were still there. 32 babies, straight-run meaning pullets and cockerels mixed. I want most of them for dressing out for the freezer when they're the right size, so roosters were fine with me. We just need a few hens for replacements.

We drove home down the Ohio side of the Ohio River, enjoying seeing places we had not visited in many years. A tugboat pushing a load of coal passed; we discovered an orchard, and we were glad to finally get back to Ripley.

Straight roads and little communities pretty much defines the Ohio side of the river.

This field of purple emperor, a weed, was an incredible sight.

A slow-moving barge moves down the river. I wonder what it's like on board on a day like today?
In town we still had to get chick starter and I got my early Mother's Day gift--a weeping willow tree. It's over 10 feet tall and we were driving the Rendezvous. The lady at the feed store said "I've got to watch you load this." Ha! It went right in, but as our neighbors observed when we met them on Joe's Run, it's a wonder we weren't pulled over for suspicion of having something a lot more illegal than a willow tree! The thought never crossed my mind, but I suppose if you looked at willow leaves the right way...
The chicks are under the quilt, nice and snug in their carrier. The tree extended from the back to the front and curled around on us--a little ticklish for the driver!
Still, even with the tree and the chicks and their feed, the back of the Rendezvous looked a lot better than it did after the auction a few weeks ago!

Tree and chicks arrived home safely. The tree is in the ground and the chicks are under their light and comfortable in their box.

Now to cook up a ramp supper. What a nice, quiet day.


  1. It all sounds wonderful, except for the ramp supper. I love weeping willow trees. My grandma had a large one in her front yard. I have many memories of playing under it,pulling the limbs after a rain, and of seeing the switches she made.

  2. You are amazing! Have a happy Easter.

  3. Chicks are so fun!
    Happy Easter!

  4. It's so funny - here in the Godless City of New York (LOL) Easter weekend is HUGE for events. Seems like everything happens at the same time. Yea for the chicks! We'll be doing as much very soon. I planted five willows on our property last Summer, and all seem to be doing nicely. Awesome post!

  5. Janet, I understand. People either love or hate ramps! I'm kinda in the middle. I like them, but I'm not raving after them the way Larry is. The patch he planted is doing quite well, though ,so we may have our own to harvest in a few years. I want to dry them to use as seasoning--more on that later.


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