
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Home Again, Jiggedy Jig

Our cabin this year at Lost River State Park. Small but just right for two people.

The reunion is over.

The cabin was tidied before we left.

Goodbyes were said (sniff).

The long drive is over.

The car is unloaded.

The suitcases are unpacked.

The washer is washing.

The leftover food is put away.

The mail has been opened.

The gardens and poultry have been checked.

The dogs have been fed.

The wood stove has been lit (yes, it's cold tonight! Frost warnings are up.)

Email and Facebook are almost caught up.

I am tired.

But boy did we have fun! And we are already looking forward to next year.

My favorite things this year:

Celebrating Aunt Georgette's 75th birthday.

Having five generations present and holding my little great-granddaughter Cadyn, who was a model baby all weekend. Good parents she has--they don't stress, so neither does she.

Me (generation 2) , Jordan (generation 4) holding Cadyn (generation 5), Jon (generation 3), Aunt Georgette and Uncle Barney (generation 1).

Taking a road trip with three of my sisters to look for wildflowers.

Judy stalks a pretty plant at an unusual bog high atop a mountain.

The Family Storytelling and Singing time. Best: my great-nieces Haley and Riley singing "Country Roads." And Michael's story about a dollar. And Ashlyn singing. And so many others sharing stories, songs, jokes and memories--the things that make us family.

Haley and Riley held tight to each other as they sang. That's their proud granny Maggie lower left with the camera.

Visiting with my sons and grandchildren.

Watching all generations talking, laughing, playing and eating together.

Traveling with my #1 man.

It was fun, and it's over and I have lots of pictures. More later this week.


  1. Looks like you had a great weekend. The little log cabin looks so cozy.

  2. what great fun~i wish i had that kind of family connection through the generations.

    that cabin is just gorgeous!

  3. It was a very cute cabin, but I learned to close the windows! The screens were not sealed well so one morning we had many, many bugs sharing space with us. I have a bite on my neck that I still can't identify. Other than that, it was a perfect little place. And the fireplace was awesome.

    laoi, we almost lost our connections when our parents passed away. We realized that it was Mom who kept everyone in touch and that we had to do it ourselves now. So we planned the first reunion. Each year different people come. We were missing quite a few this year for graduations, baby showers, sports tournaments, etc, but new faces appeared, and that is how it should be.

    For me, it's the one time a year I am likely to see many of my family members, so it's important for me to go if I can. For others, they live close to each other and it's easier to visit.

    This year we'll see many people again in July when our nephew Matthew gets married. So I'm looking forward to that!

  4. Hard to believe Jonathan is a Grandpappy now!

  5. Isn't it though! But he loves the role.


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