
Friday, May 22, 2009

What a Mess!

My office is destroyed and I can't blame anyone but myself. This is what happens when I do too many different kinds of programs and it's Spring and I really just want to be outside and in the gardens and not inside putting things away.

What's the mess?

Well, look:

Craft supplies for 2 different crafts and books to prepare for bird stories for Migration Celebration are in one suitcase and the cart. The other suitcase holds the props for my Appalachian Sampler program--mining items ,quilts, bonnet, turpentine, scrip, etc The spiral binder was out because I needed to make more ghost story books. The box and the pile on the table are recent mail, new books and magazines. The other box is from the new CD player I bought after I broke the one I took to Ohio for the ballads program.
The desk is overflowing with mail that needs to be sorted. A bag of books and a quilt from the Appalachian program still need to be put away.
Stuff from my storybag that I won't be using today at Vandalia are on the computer desk, along with a bear puppet and the birthday gift for my oldest son that I was supposed to take to family reunion, but now will have to mail. The Flatwoods Monster was a gift from my good friend Jason and he is where he is supposed to be!
Books from recent research for blogposts, notes and folders jam the other end of the computer table.

And the suitcase full of ballad books from the Ohio workshop isn't even in these photos. Neither is the puppet stage from the Ripley workshops or the sound system plugged in to charge for today. Or the fingerpuppet craft I'm working on in the log room for Vandalia and for summer programs.

I offer a lot of different programs and workshops and each one has its own requirements. It keeps me busier as a storyteller to have such a range of possible presentations, but it's also a lot to keep up with. If I was a more organized person, I'd put everything away as soon as I got home. Instead, I head out to the garden, write on my blog, respond to email, hang out on the patio with my hubby, talk to sons and friends on the phone--or just go to bed if, like Thursday night, it's almost midnight when I get in.

So each program's remainders have piled up over the past month and I have no one to blame but me. There is only one thing I can do:

Close the door.


  1. this reminds me of the assorted piles of 'stuff' my swampy gathers around. while i sort and pack things straight away he 'piles' things!

  2. I love doors. They close so easliy!

  3. I love doors for that reason. I think time with family and outdoors is way more important than piles of clutter--I won't be posting pictures of my piles, though. You are brave.

  4. I feel so at home in your office. My Kindermusik/ Storytime "office" is with my laptop on the couch, and in a multitude of tote bags, boxes and shelves in "guest" room, garage and basement. Finally sorted puppets into clear zippered bags that comforters come in... one bag each for bird puppets, farm animals, forest/jungle, and two for all the teddy bears. Does that make you feel better?

  5. The closed door sounds good to me...

  6. Yep, Just close the door and it will still be there for another day. Maybe a rainy day that you don't have anything else better to do.

  7. There is only one thing I can do: Close the door.
    I love the way you think. The teacher of gifted students used to tell parents that messy rooms were part of the gifted package -- so many interests, so little time to finish them all. . . Maybe we are just gifted?

  8. This looks a bit too familiar. My things seems to migrate all over the house but mostly the dining room/sewing/journaling/painting/crafting room. Well, you get the idea.
    It was swell seeing you today! I am still smiling!

  9. Susanne, I hate walking into a house that is neat as a pin, uncluttered and looks like it belongs on the cover of a magazine. I'm with you,there's many other things I'd rather be doing than housework.

  10. My desk at school when I was teaching used to look like this. Slowing down a little at the home office, and the mess is easier to control. You don't want to consider slowing down, do you?

  11. Slowing down? Hmmm...that's an option I hadn't considered. To do so means something has to go. I have so many interests that I would not want to drop any of them! The only thing I do that I don't like is go to work
    :-) and unfortunately that one is a necessity, at least for now. Darn.


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