
Thursday, June 4, 2009

When Haley Comes to Visit

When Haley comes to visit, she doesn't stay inside with me. She'd rather be outside, doing things like:

Stalking rabbits with Poppa Larry's .22.

We had a lot of trouble with rabbits in the gardens last year. So far this year, we've only seen two, probably because of the three electric fences we've installed. Or maybe Otis (the black Lab) can take credit for keeping them away. But Haley was on the lookout anyway.

Then there are trees... Haley decided to join the birds in the mulberry tree. (Pardon the picture quality--I sent Larry out with the camera and he didn't know how to adjust the light. It was nearly dark when he took these)


and in.

This girl is going to live forever. She is strong, fears nothing and ready to try anything.

You ought to see her on a skateboard. Enough to give her granny heart failure, but the boys are all admiration. Which gives her Daddy heart failure.

But she beats boys in arm-wrestling, so I think her Daddy can rest easy for a little while longer.



  1. My favorite Haley story was when she took out the boys who were bullying James. I think she's been his hero ever since.

  2. She sounds like a great girl with plenty of character and a mind of her own - and an outdoor girl too which is always good in my book.

  3. I remember that, Jaime. She never likes to see little kids being picked on. Remember how she taught Cassie to punch at the family reunion because some boy at school was harassing her? I don't think Cassie ever used the advice, but I remember the look of confidence on her face after that lesson with Haley. I think it was more that she realized she didn't have to take it--empowerment is a good thing.

    Haley is definitely an outdoors girl, Rowan. She loves to run, climb, row, bike, kayak, pole-vault, etc. At her age, I was into girly stuff--hair and all that. I think I'd have been a lot better off climbing trees.

  4. Wow, she's my daughter's soulmate--they even look alike! LOL

    I love love love the line about the skateboarding...'which gives her Daddy heart failure'. LOL So heartbreakingly hilariously true.

  5. I am glad there are girls like this--they don't see obstacles to what they want to do. For me, there were many things in my way--I wanted to take Shop in high school but wasn't allowed. Electricity classes were a no too. No to a job (Dad didn't want his girls working), driving (girls shouldn't drive), etc, etc. Now many limits are gone--what a blessing!

  6. She's alot like me growing up. All my playmates were boys and I ran with no fear. It's a wonderful thing to see strong independent girls.

  7. A comment about your comment that you'd seen only two rabbits so far this year. Here, in SW Virginia, we've seen very few rabbits this year, two to be exact when normally they should be hopping across the road every eighth of a mile or so. And I have a friend who lives in Abingdon and she commented about "no rabbits this year." We haven't electrified anything, so were trying to explain it by that bald eagle I saw circling our woods; the dogs, especially our rescue beagle, who trumpets like Louie Armstrong; the heavy rains that may have washed out their burrows. Let me know if you start seeing more and I'll do the same. Now, chipmunks we have plenty of!

  8. Just look at Poppa Larry. He just hates that girl following him around like that....:)
    He just couldn't be prouder!


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