
Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Morning

On my way to work this morning
across the ridge and around
the end of the world turn
I looked in my rear view mirror
and saw what I was leaving behind.

Sometimes it is not easy to keep going
when I know that behind me
the dew is soft on bending grass,
the birds are calling from nests,
turkeys herd their young,

tomatoes hang ripe for picking,
dill and basil are ready for harvest,
and flowers turn their heads,
just as I did,
to welcome the morning sun.


  1. yes. I know that feeling. To stay home and care for that which is yours . . . and not go off, away, to tend someone elses.

  2. oh my~the pull to just turn around and return...

  3. What a beautiful picture. So peaceful and inviting.

  4. Isn't the pull like gravity? It's a good thing I do not look back every morning or I might never actually get off the hill.

  5. beautiful and poetic. I have found that this new little eco-home has some of that effect on me and has somewhat curbed my wanderlust at least for now . . .a good thing because at least until the condo finds a new owner, my budget is a bit tight . . .
    OTOH, your photo stirs a desire to travel there!

  6. I felt that pull as I was sitting on my porch this morning, pre dawn. The rain was falling gently and the birds were just waking up. So peaceful, I relished in the moment but then had to get ready for work. Did not want to leave the serenity and peace of those few moments in time.

  7. Mary, I understand why you don't want to leave! Your new home seems perfect for you.

    Ah, to be on the porch sipping coffee and watching the rain! What a lovely picture you created. Wish I could have joined you.

  8. Beautifully written, Granny Sue. Visually penned!...Love your photos..

  9. Makes you just want to turn around and go back, doesn't it?

  10. Absolutely, Janet. But I can't. Not yet. One day, but not quite yet.


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