
Friday, August 28, 2009

Granny Sue Podcast

Now you can hear me telling a story online, through a podcast I did this week with Eric Frtzius of West Virginia Writers.

Click here to go to the website where you can hear the podcast.

How cool is that. The Internet never ceases to amaze me.

Thanks, Eric!


  1. Sue,
    I downloaded the podcast and I'm listening to it right now. This IS cool - I wish more people would do them - I like to listen to them while I'm doing something else (like school work or cleaning. lol).

  2. Thanks, Deborah. Isn't it neat. Now I want to do more of them :-) I see a learning curve ahead.

  3. A learning curve you'll master, I'm sure! I hope you are able to do more. I'd love to hear more. :)

  4. Susanne, I just listened to your story and I loved it! Especially the part when he was begging his mom not to open that door.

  5. This story grew over the years as Larry remembered more details about his granny. It's one of my favorites to tell. I wish I'd met that woman.

    mramsburg, I just visited your site again. Great photos. I've only been able to guess one of the macros out of the last three.

  6. I loved the interview, and the story is one of my favorites! I had shared it some time ago with a couple of great-nephews, and they liked it, too. You are a wonderful advocate for storytelling!

  7. Thank you, Mary. I think we need more storytellers--like musicians, I don't think there can ever be enough. Who but us will share the old stories, create the new ones, and keep alive the joy of listening and imagining as a teller tells the tale?

  8. Oh my! What an introduction! Of course, I had Michaela sitting at the computer desk the moment she heard "Granny Sue". That is cool! I can't believe how much your storytelling career has grown since I first saw you tell stories at the festival in Jackson's Mill. That is cool!

  9. You podcast story and interview much enjoyed over in England too. I wonder what Larry's gran would have thought about that!

  10. John! You're visitor # 100,000! How neat! Email me your address and you get a CD and a book of my poems. Congratulations!

    Now, I need to write a story for my blog for you, as my commenters suggested. Watch for it tomorrow.

  11. John! You're visitor # 100,000! How neat! Email me your address and you get a CD and a book of my poems. Congratulations!

    Now, I need to write a story for my blog for you, as my commenters suggested. Watch for it tomorrow.


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