
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Around Joe's Run

The Beekeeper

End of the Trail


Down the Lane

Morning Pedestrian
(ruffed grouse, the first I've seen in some time)


  1. Love your Wordless Wednesday pics. My favorite is "End of the Lane". It looks so inviting. I would no doubt start out down that lane and before I knew it, would be miles away. I can't wait to see your pics when the autumn colors peak. Your surroundings are beautiful.


  2. Ruffed grouse on joe's run! Hooray! I wish we had the Bobwhite quails again.

  3. Love your pictures. Larry is braver than I am.

  4. Tracy, I sometimes do that very thing because I am so curious to know what's around the next bend. Usually, it's just more beautiful countryside :)

    I was excited to see him, Amy. I love to hear them drumming in Spring but it's been years since I heard one. I wonder if it's just because I'm not home during the day to hear them? I have heard bobwhite and seen a few in the past year, but only a few. I am hopeful that they too are making a return. If the coyotes don't get them all.

    He's braver than I am too, Janet! I take care of the honey *after* it's away from the hive!

  5. Neat pictures! Like your wordless posts.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog. This post sows how wonderfully you connect with folks and bring them into your world. Its a community.

  6. I've never seen a ruffed grouse; and lol'ed at the 'beached'! What a great wordless selection. I enjoyed the walk.

  7. It has been a while since I've seen a grouse by my house too. We did see about a dozen turkey this evening and lots of squirrels.

  8. I am so glad that we are getting wildlife back again. There are more squirrel, turkeys and owls than I've seen/heard for years. Of course, that provides good feeding for the coyotes. Still, there is nothing better than listening to the owls calling at night along with the whippoorwills, or hearing a hawk screaming overhead. It makes me feel at home in my small place in these woods.


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