
Friday, October 9, 2009

West Virginia Book Festival

I'm working today on set-up for the West Virginia Book Festival, so no time to post.

Last night was a way-late night, telling stories for a bus tour at Hawks Nest State Park. They were a good group and I think they learned a lot about West Virginia during the performance.

I'll be back tonight to do a real post. Have a great day!


  1. I hope to see you there tomorrow, Susanne.

  2. Hawk's Nest! There are lots of ghosts there, for good reason. I was just there myself as well! It was kinda spooky really - it was the middle of the day, full sun, but I was totally alone! There was NO ONE ELSE THERE!

  3. I can imagine, Jason. It always feels that way to me too. We were in the lodge which is a little ways up the road. John had told me on Facebook to be sure to educate them about the tunnel, but I need to educate me first. I know a little about it, but not enough to be able to discuss it intelligently or answer questions. Another project for the future.

  4. great, Janet! there are some really good workshops being offered. I love it that it's all free. Except the book sale. I'm already $50 poorer because of the sale! Volunteers get to shop a day early and I make it count. Lots of great WV history books, folklore books, etc.


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