
Monday, November 23, 2009

Microfiction Monday

He strode to the door. "You'll be sorry one day."

She looked out the kitchen window. A rainbow arced into her garden.

“I doubt it,” she said.
Microfiction is short-short fiction. In this case, it is fiction of exactly 140 characters, which is the limit on "tweets" (which means comments made using Twitter or similar software). You must count ALL characters, including punctuation and spaces. Whew! It's not so easy and I get cross-eyed counting! But it's an exercise in being able to tell a whole story in so few words. Each word carries significant importance.
If you'd like to participate, go to Susan's blog at and read more about how to do this. It's fun, I promise!


  1. I love this story, but I love even more the bigger story it hints at--that one perfect moment offers so much to wonder about. I knew you were good, but dang!

    If counting's driving you nuts, Design215's character counter will count for you as you type: just compose your story in their window and you'll know exactly what you've got as you go. I usually do mine in Twitter, which also counts.

    Thanks for playing--this was great!

  2. Aha! That's what I'll do in the future. Thanks for the tip--and the compliment ;-0

  3. Just wondering what he thinks she will be sorry for. Good use of the picture.

  4. Thanks, Bill! his loving, handsome presence, perhaps? or dumpin him for another man? or choosing to live alone rather than with him? or not joining him in high seas piracy? so many possibilities!

  5. She is looking ahead, he's looking behind. Perhaps he's looking into the storm, while she sees the rainbow after, Nessa. I had not thought of her as optimistic, but you're right. She's exactly that.

  6. Where you in the kitchen, too, when I tossed my ex- out? If not, how could you have written my story?! ;)

  7. I like that this one is filled with possibilities for the woman.

    And yes, if Susan hadn't introduced her handy dandy character counter, I'd have given up. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Wonder what she will do, always a great story when you want more!

  9. Thanks, Quilly! I'm trying to catch up and read everyone's post this evening. I've got two sons visiting for the holidays so I'm late getting to read them.

    Hope, you're right. She sees the door opening. Could go many directions, as Peggy says. There are possibilities here. Maybe I'll try following it and seeing where it goes.

  10. Wonderful, darlin' -- so much said with so little!


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