
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Misty Morning, Grafton, West Virginia


  1. Hey Granny Sue!

    I just love the small towns of West Virginia!

    Great pictures!

  2. Angela, I especially liked the photo of the sign in the window: "this is not a museum. This junk is for sale." That's prtty direct!

  3. I love the mist and the old walls, but must admit my favourite is a pair of mannequin legs next to a bomb(?) Window-shopping in West Virginia is some of the most fun I've had LOL

  4. Don't you love it, Susan? We got such a laugh out of the window, although the irony was pretty thick too. I would like to go there when he's open sometime.

  5. I liked seeing misty Grafton : )


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