
Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving at Granny's

The table was set and ready (my parents big table that now lives with me had all its leaves added to make it 12 feet long)...

the baklava was crisply golden and waiting...

The kitchen was a madhouse of people working and people playing can-you-catch-the-grape-tomato-in-your-mouth (guys!)...

cousins, dogs and cars gathered...

silly photos were taken...
the new great-grandbaby and her sweet mother came to see us...

and then it was time!

Getting 22 people seated around a table was quite a feat, and we didn't quite make it--a small table had to be set up for the three younger children, to their disgust, but they will soon be the big people and more small children will take their place. It was not easy to get a photo of the table, so this one will have to do...

and after dinner, music was played...
youngest son, his girlfriend and her pet rat had to leave (and yes, a pet rat is really very fun. Who knew?)...
Granny took some chill time...

the kids played hide-and-seek (and the big table was back to its five square feet again)...

and singing rounded out a beautiful day.

No rain, much laughter and talking, happy children, an amazed baby, and good, good food. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving. But you already knew that.


  1. Looks like all enjoyed the day.
    That huge table probably has many stories to tell if only tables could talk and I'm sure there will be many more created at that table.

  2. Wow Sue. I just love it that you have that table filled up with family again. How great is that? I am so glad you have it. It should have love and laughter surrounding it. A great table with my great sister. I love you! The Dining room/kitchen was the heart of our home and now it is yours. But honestly Sue? The heart of your home beats in every part of your land and home. You light up your home and our lives.

  3. Jessica, I remember so many meals as a child, sitting at the table and listening to my parents telling us stories about their courtship in England. I also remember getting in a lot of trouble there--spinach and I did NOT like each other and I had to eat many cold forksful of it!

    Maggie, thank you. I am very glad it is here too, and that no one else wanted it. I didn't tihnk it would fit in my house either, but it is surprisingly at home and not too big. I love to see it gleaming with silver and china and happy faces all around. Mom and Dad would be thrilled, wouldn't they? Your sweet words mean a lot to me, little sister. Thank you!

  4. What a wonderful Thanksgiving! that post brought back many happy memories; there was nothing like Mom's kitchen on holiday mornings.
    The baklava looks perfect! Did the rat get any?

  5. It was a good day and the table was beautiful! I can only imagine Granny standing somewhere in the room to see her table and how beautiful it was an it being loved so much. And I definitely agreed with what Amy said- I wish it could have lasted longer.


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