
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekend: Critters Soft and Strange, and Good Music

Saturday! Some days are just made for fun and this was one. We started with breakfast at our favorite place, some rummaging at Goodwill, and a petting zoo with all sorts of exotic creatures-
Wallabys, pygmy goats, Japanese silkie chickens (I think that's what they are), huge tortoises, alpacas, potbelly pigs, miniature ponies, and more.
Anastasia, animal lover that she is, had a blast and it wasn't long before she was in the pen too--as were we all. This was an event at a local feedstore. We stopped for chicken feed (really) and found this by accident.
In the afternoon, we decided to introduce Anastasia to one of West Virginia's most famous legends, Mothman. Point Pleasant houses the museum, the statue, and the quirky legend.

Of course, it could be true....

The statue is a steel sculpture and has a place of honor in the center of town. There were many people besides us roaming around, a good sign for a small town that has struggled with economic hardship since the collapse of the Silver Bridge about 40 years ago. Today the town offers a lovely riverwalk with original murals that tell the town's history, a riverfront outdoor amphitheatre, the Mothman museum and a river museum, A state park that commemorates the Battle of Point Pleasant and the town's long history, the historic Lowe Hotel which is reportedly haunted, Mothman memorabilia, tours of the area where the creature was sighted, and several very good restaurants. It has become a destination for paranormal enthusiasts, history buffs, those interested in the river and people like us who enjoy it all.

A gift shop that sells a lot of tourist memorabilia (including Mothman Poop which of course I bought!) had these cutouts out front. Larry can never resist an opportunity to ham it up. I don't think he'd make a very good Shawnee warrior, though.

Or a very scary Mothman either.

We walked down to the river for some photos. The water reflected the clear blue of the sky and the sun offered a golden glow as the afternoon faded. Tom and Anastasia add to the scenery, I think.

We got home by dark, ate a bite and then drove to Charleston for the evening's Footmad concert with the Claire Lynch Band. The talent shared by thee four musicians is impressive.
We foot-stomped, clapped, laughed, and even shed a few tears, and left highly entertained and the owners of a couple CDs.

It was a good end to a long day. Today was sleep-in day, late breakfast and generally lazing about. Now it's time to get to the garden where I meant to go earlier today. All play this weekend, it seems!

Claire Lynch and me, at intermission.


  1. We've been to Pt Pleasant many times, but I've never saw those cut outs. I like the Indian one! It may have been more real looking if he had took his hat off, though.

  2. All play is good sometimes!
    Sounds like you have a great weekend and super weather to be outside in the garden today.

  3. I think the cout-out might have been new this year, Janet, because I'd never seen them before either. As for the hat, he insisted on wearing it!

  4. Jessica, it was beautiful today, almost too hot after all the cold weather we've had. We made a lot of progress though.

  5. I love Mothman!

    The Lowe Hotel is haunted by a ship captain and several other ghosts. Including ghosts of children, which have always freaked me out the most. I've never stayed there, but it is on the schedule! Maybe I can wrangle a ghost story gig there -

    I've always liked to think that Mothman is like Superman or Batman - you know, mild mannered citizen by day, Mothman by night. That sort of thing. Maybe Mothman is running the local pizza parlor - in his Clark Kent-ish daytime look, though.

  6. I like that idea, Jason. Maybe we need to do a proposal to them to tell ghost stories at the hotel during the Mothman Festival?

    I also like the "clark kent" idea. Who knows? he just might be one of the local upstanding citizens by day. Hmmm...

  7. What a wonderful day! Point Pleasant was on our list for the summer but, along with many other things, we just never quite made it. Another one for the next trip!

    Larry's photos are TOO MUCH! lol

  8. He's quite the clown, isn't he?

    I think you'll like Point Pleasant, Susan. It's a pretty place and getting better every time we visit.

  9. Sue the article said Robert Connelly which is our spelling. Is this someone in our tree? Do we know?
    I love this blog! So cool and just abounding with possibilities!

  10. I wondered about that too, Maggie. I don't know but it would be fun to research--if I had time!


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