
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: To My Vet

(Cheating a little--it's not quite wordless)

Larry at 18, before he shipped out for Vietnam.

Like this flag, he's older and a little worn, but still hanging in there.

Here's to you, my old Marine.


  1. Sometimes we forget the more recent wars especially in UK as we weren't really involved in Vietnam. I visited the Vietnam Wall when I was in Washington several years ago and that was a poignant experience as I was with my friends from NH who were looking for names of boys they'd known, this made it much more real rather than just another tourist site that I was visiting.

  2. Hey Sue,
    Be sure to give him a big smooch and thank you from me! Love, Theresa

  3. Liked your 'almost' wordless Wednesday.

  4. Ah, I didn't know we had Marine Corps vets in common. "Happy" Veterans' Day seems kind of a wrong thing to say - but please give my regards.

  5. I love this post; love the photos. That bottom one is really something special.

  6. Thanks to all of you, from my husband and from me. He's one of many, and each deserves our thanks. You honor them all with your comments.

  7. Hope he had a happy day!!

    Loved your Mystery Letter post-so fascinating!!


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