
Monday, December 7, 2009

Microfiction Monday

Are you dry yet?
Next time you play in the snow, don't get so wet.
It sounded like you had a good time.
Let me in.
You can push start.
Try your hand at writing microfiction!
The challenge is to write a story in 140 characters, including spaces and punctuation. For more short-short-short stories and to join the fun, go to


  1. Now you can get away with a cute story like that. I don't like cats... I can just imagine what y'all would've thrown at me.

    Nicely told. :)

  2. Oh no! LOL
    But toddler viewpoint does make perfect sense doesn't it: why NOT put kitty in the dryer, if it works on towels? Another reason to stick with a good old rope-and-two-poles "dryer" when the kids are little!

    I love your Christmas tree---I've been thinking of decorating my blog too but have been too busy. And er, lazy.

  3. I didn't have time to think too much on this one, but given long experience with children it was easy to come up with a workable scenario.

    Hope, I'll probably get hate mail--it's happened before :-)

    I've tried to put a picture on top of my blog before, Susan but it always comes out too big. I'm just not techie enough. At least this guy was little!

  4. Poor kitty, it reminds me of the time I decided to give one of our cats a bath {It was my Sister's Gilligan} who happened to be sunning himself on the Banking around the house. Next to the banking was a wheelbarrow full of melted snow. In goes Gilligan, Out comes Gilligan, both being marched into the house by Dad, Gilligan wrapped in a warm towel and resting near the stove. I am tending to a sore Bum. Hmmm, never did that again.

    Great Story, thank you for sharing.

  5. I have two kitties now and I had many cats and dogs growing up and when my kids were young.
    We had many ingenious ways to dry off an animal when it wasn't suppossed to be wet.
    Great take on the picture!

  6. Oh my goodness that was so funny ;)! Kids love to go on adventures. We have to keep an eye on them. Have a wonderful week :)

  7. Don't they though! see you next Monday, I hope, for more microfiction?


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