
Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Recipe

Here is the recipe we use for fruitcake:

Although by the time we're through, what we have done is not much like this recipe! Our process is to add a little of this and more of that, try this and I wonder about that. In the end each of the batches we make is unique and each looks and tastes differnt from the others. Even each sisters' cakes come out differently, but all of them are delicious.

I can't wait to see what happens this year.


  1. I like the looks of this recipe! You can always tell a good recipe by the stains on the page in the cookbook. lol

  2. I might try the apricot cake recipe below yours. Nostalgic about dried apricots that were distributed in first grade as a snack.

  3. Cakes are in the oven now and smell heavenly. Dgranna, if you try it, let us know how the apricot recipe comes out.

  4. I wish you could send smells (and tastes) through the WWW . . . and I'm go glad you had this happy sister event!

  5. How fun. I always experiment with my recipes too and the meals always turn out slightly differently. It keeps things fresh and new.


  6. I like the way we look at the others' bowls and compare our batch. You are right Sue, the recipe is just the starting point, by the time we get through it is very different. I love the whole experience, mixing, talking, sharing, laughing, and the heavenly smell of the cakes bad Judy's burnt! :)

  7. I added some of my dried apples too this year. :)

  8. Theresa, isn't it odd that judy's were the ONLY ones that burned, esp since YOU were the one watching them? Just sayin...;-)

    We cheated and tasted one withoug the brandy-soaking time, and it was really very good.


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