
Sunday, December 13, 2009


Yesterday was D Day here--decorating day for Christmas. While I didn't get finished (the tree will go up today) I did get a good bit done. The outside lights were up two weeks ago; yesterday we added the greens.

It seems odd to put up Christmas decorations when the grass is still green, but it's been an unusual autumn, hasn't it? Only one snowfall so far.

On the porch, the rainy wet day isn't a problem for the greenery.

Some porch plants are still living. So odd ,especially after the recent 15-degree nights. This planter adds its green to the red door for a simple touch.

Looking out from the log room on today's gray, cold drizzle. It's toasty warm inside by the fire, though.

I've noticed that over the years my decorating taste has changed. Nowadays I use more natural decorations--evergreens, wreaths, apple and orange garlands, fruits, and live poinsettias. I am also using more fabrics--table covers, pillows, wall hangings, etc. Many of the things I have out year-round fit the holiday color schemes anyway. So it's easier to do, but messier too, because pine boughs do shed and fabrics need laundering.

I like warm reds and golds and deep greens for Christmas. Traditional colors. I am still surprised when I see lime-green ornaments and wrapping paper. That's a summer color to me! I suppose in parts of the world it is summer, so maybe that's why we're seeing more of it? I like the deep cranberry reds too, but they would certainly look odd beside lime green.

I suppose I'm old-fashioned in my tastes. Christmas time reminds me of my mother's absolute delight in the holidays--the old ornaments and decorations that were re-used year after year, the special baked treats only made at this time of year, the traditions she continued from her childhood that have now become part of my holiday routine as well.

The new colors--pinks, silver, cool greens and orange-reds--are probably right at home in some places, and I admire the magazine spreads showing daring new takes on the season. That's for other people, though--at my house, it will always be a simple, country Christmas with the old carols, lots of pine, and the smell of fruitcake and cinnamon in the air.


  1. I'm a traditionalist too, The decorations are the same every year as are the foods we eat and the colours I love are the reds,greens and golds. I'm afraid that all the modern colours look completely wrong to me. The scents of spices and evergreens and citris fruits are all a part of the holiday too. Tradition is a very comforting thing to me.

  2. it looks beautiful sue :)

    i love the old, traditional way of christmas here~the only sparkly bits are lights, little white ones and candles, otherwise, like you, its fabric, felt, wood and assorted greenery collected locally.
    since settling back in the village of my upbringing i have started some little traditions of my own which are important to me

  3. Oh yes, Rowan, the scent of citrus and cinnamon mixed with the pine is the smell of comfort, isn't it?

  4. I can imagine that moving back to your starting place would being back many memories, laoi. When I get out my parents' tree ornaments, memories come flooding back. It's a pleasure and a sadness at the same time, and also a reminder that life goes on, and that sorrow and joy are often companions.

  5. Christmas brings out all the old-fashioned bits of me; memories of my mother are a big influence too. Sometimes I'm tempted by the magazine covers, but then I look around my own house and think, hmmm, no. I like it the way it's always been.

  6. That's it exactly, Susan. I've seen some gorgeous pink and silver or purple and silver themes but it doesn't look like my house at all.


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