
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cold Morning, Cold January Moon

We didn't get to see the blue moon on New Year's Eve because of cloud cover, but when I woke this morning, the moon was peeking out of the clouds, so I grabbed my camera, cajoled Larry into getting dressed and coming with me up on the hill to take photos. Bless the man, he came. It was a cold 15 degrees with a nice little breeze, perfect for freezing fingers while taking pictures. Nothing stunning out of the lot, but it was a beautiful morning to be on the ridge.


  1. Hooray for the ridge dwellers. We had a short walk this morning and it was a might crisp outside. What my Mommaw Brown would have called "colder than a witche's ..." and the dogs didn't fight going back in. Happy New year to you two and your family!

  2. Pretty pics Sue. It's just too cold. I'm ready for spring. Not sure how those further North can stand it.

  3. Dear Granny Sue,

    That last photo is another sure winner in that WV photo contest you have yet to enter.




  4. I love your photos! I am new to your blog and I am so sorry, I cannot remember who directed me to you! I hate it when my memory goes! I think it was Tammy. Anyway, she linked us to your NYE burning ritual. I say that is a wonderful thing to do! I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. Nothing would thrill me more than to burn that year away!

  5. Cathy, your granny would have been right! My fingers were in pain by the time we got back to the house and the toasty wood stove.

    It's a bit nippy, Debbie--but not as bad as some times I remember in the late 70's when it was 30 below--or the time in the early 80's when it was 18 below and I had yo run the mail route. This morning's 15 was balmy in comparison :-)

    Kate, thank you. One day I will get some photos entered, but for now I'm happy taking and posting them. It's a new passion, and I am lusting after a better camera.

  6. Welcome, Terry! Come back often--your comments are always wlcome. I'm glad your 2009 is behind you and you can look ahead with new health.

  7. Beautiful morning pictures but they make me cold just looking at them. It's gonna be a nice week to stay indoors. Just too cold!

  8. I have camera lust too. It's a terrible thing, eh? Right now, Amazon has a deal and a half on a Canon, but financial prudence and all that rot.

    I intended to grab my camera and set out this morning with the puppies. I went so far as to go out to the car to retrieve my boots and immediately changed my mind. 'Twas miserable. I've had the furnace cranked all day and it is just now (4 p.m.) up to 70 in here. And that's with the help of the space heater. I could raise penguins in the dining room.

  9. I hear you, Jessica! Honestly, if I had to go by myself, I'm not sure I would have braved the cold steering wheel. My hands don't tolerate gloves--just makes them colder--and the steering wheel is like ice. Larry warms up the car for me every morning, and I bless him daily for it.

  10. Connie, I keep looking. When I bought my current camera, about 2 years ago, it was half price on Amazon but I still gulped. Now I want something even better and even half-price causes near cardiac arrest. But sometime this year, if things go well with storytelling, I will get one. Mine hasn't been the same since that glass of white wine at the Empty Glass...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I too hope to meet you sometime this year. My door is always open if you are ever in our neck of the woods just let me know. If we get down to visit our relatives in Jackson County I'll let you know.
    Hope you all are staying warm on this cold winter night.

  13. Beautiful photos! I love a full moon at night - it seems to cast a magical glow on the land.

  14. Well I think they are stunning pics. You definitely captured the essence of COLD!


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