
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Singing at the BrazenHead Inn

After the triathlon, the family returned to the BrazenHead Inn for an evening of music and fun. The inn's owners, Will and Jill Fanning, incorporate music into the inn's offerings as often as possible, and frequently provide it themselves since they are both gifted musicians.

Saturday night, however, Three Degrees of Hair was on stage. This diverse group from Beckley plays a wide range of music and we enjoyed all of it. They also did something pretty nice: they let some of us sing.

I was first, before even the band took to the stage. Since the tragedy at the Big Branch mine three weeks ago, the song by Jean Ritchie called West Virginia Mine Disaster was on my mind, and that is what I sang. It's powerful and moving, and I sang it in tribute to those miners and their families.

An hour or so later, we convinced Cassidy, Jon and Jennifer's daughter, to take the stage and sing one of her favorite songs, Free Falling. You can listen to her performance here thanks to cousin Emily's forethought to record Cassidy. Thank you, Emily!

Amy sang later on, a lovely ballad of love and longing.

What a group of guys, to allow us to be part of the evening's music. Special thanks to the Three Degrees of Hair for sharing the stage with us.

And still later, everyone in the place joined in on Country Roads. In this picture: James in front, then clockwise Aaron, Cassidy, Haley, Jennifer and Jared, with Emily in the far background.

The relaxed atmosphere and camaraderie made it feel like we were at home instead of 150 miles away in a log cabin tucked into a valley in the Randolph county mountains. That's what true mountain hospitality is, and it's what Will and Jill give to their customers in plenty.

(Do you see that orb floating over Amy's head? If I believed in such things, I might almost be convinced that Jon was there listening to the fun. Actually, I am convinced that he was with us in spirit, for an evening in which his name was much spoken and his life remembered with love. It doesn't take an orb to tell me so.)


  1. What a nice place that looks like. Your whole family seems to share your talent.--Jane

  2. Not everyone sings, but everyone enjoys music. I think we're starting a new family tradition of singing when we're together--and several of the younger folks are taking up instruments, something I always longed to do but never accomplished. I wonder if in future years they will be singing AND playing music together? Now that would be awesome.

  3. That is an awesome weekend! I am glad you had so much fun. You are all so very talented! Love you. tm

  4. It was fun, Theresa. Really, just about the best time I have ever had. One thing I thought about on the way home--no one had to cook, pump air mattresses, clean or any of those things that usually keep at least one person busy during visits.

  5. It was a good weekend. I really like the owners and the pub was fantastic. You 3 took the restaurant by surprise and that was nice too.

  6. That's my kind of fun!
    I imagine Jon was there singing along at the top of his lungs and laughing along with the rest of you.
    Glad you had a great time. You deserved it after all your hard work and the sadness you've recently experienced.


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