
Saturday, June 19, 2010

At the State Folk Festival

We're away again, this time at the Glenville Folk Festival. Yesterday was filled with music, stories, more music, good food, and friends.

While we were there, I ran into our friend, herbalist and soapmaker Melissa Dennison who taught me how to make a lavender wand--just in time too, because my lavender is ready right now. The wand is easy to make and so pretty. I'll post pics soon.

We met Rob Worth, who makes the most beautiful dulcimers, and he showed us one that had wood in it from when the Philippi (WV) two-lane covered bridge was remodeled. Pics of Rob and his dulcimers also coming soon.

We listened to a family of musicians, including three children under 12, playing gospel music. The youngest son was quite a singer, and no older than 6 years old. Pics of them on the way tomorrow too.

I sang in the singing tent and told stories in the storytelling tent. We noticed in the program that there was a ghost story swap scheduled in the evening. I was torn between attending that or going up to the Fine Arts Center to hear the master musician's concert. In the end, I opted for the ghost story swap. The room was full when we arrived and the local newspaper's owner, Dave Corcoran, was telling stories about a house he had lived in in Greenbrier county. The he opened the floor for people to tell stories; several people (including me) shared some strange tales.

A surprise of the evening was a drawing for a woodcut picture of one ghost story from Gilmer county, and I won the drawing! When I saw the picture, I was surprised to find that it illustrated a story I knew, about a peddler who had been murdered and beheaded. The group of listeners were a great audience and Mr. Corcoran plans to have the ghost stories again next year. I've volunteered to help, because I think it's a great idea. After the stories, many of the people left to go to the cemetery for more ghost stories, but we have baby turkeys to take care of and needed to come home.

It was hard to leave because everywhere, on every corner, under every tree or porch, it seemed, people were playing music! Bluegrass, old-time, some blues--you name it, a group was playing and singing it. The evening was just past dark, the lightning bugs were out, a slight mist was rising from the river, laughter and talk filled the air, and music wove in and out and around everything.

But at home, the dogs were waiting along with the new kitten, the house was quiet, and the cool evening lured us out onto the porch for a glass of wine and some time to listen to the whippoorwills and other nightbirds calling.

Back to the festival today for more music and fun. See you tomorrow with pictures! And may I;'ll see you in Glenville!


  1. Could the family of gospel singers be the Snyder Family Band? If so, we loved seeing them at Merlefest and came back to download some of their music. If NOT, I would love to know the name of the group !!
    I am traveling vicariously with your events. Maybe someday I will be a groupie for you. This one sounds like a fun weekend !!!
    Daneille Dgranna in GA

  2. Sounds awesome! Can't wait to see the pictures.

  3. Sounds like a great evening.
    Would have loved to see the dulcimer made from the Philippi Bridge. I have photos of the bridge right after it burned. I think the history of the bridge is fascinating.

  4. Thank you Sue for taking me along to the festival with your words - it sounded such a lovely day. Hope you enjoy today as much.

  5. Sounds like my kind of day. I could sit around and listen to people talk or play music all day. But I'm like you, I only have a little time and things must be done on the farm.


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