
Friday, July 9, 2010


I admit, my family is a bunch of firebugs. When we decide to have a bonfire, we have a bon-FIRE.

Most of the wood on this lovely was from the old log cabin Larry and I are tearing down. Even though we're keeping a lot of wood, there is still much that needs to be burned. So we hauled a few loads to Derek's. He saved it for the Fourth, and this is the result.

Sister Maggie is responsible for this part--the fireworks. She traveled up to Pennsylvania for them and it was definitely worth her trouble. Roger and Aaron set up some kind of Rube Goldberg contraption to set them off and we had a great show. (I really think Rube was a hillbilly, don't you?)

Funniest part? The fireworks in town were going off around the same time, and Maggie thought it was a neighbor, competing!

All went well--the fire stayed where it was supposed to, the fireworks did what they were supposed to and we all had a great time.

Now we need some more old wood from the cabin to re-build the bonfire pile...


  1. oh i love a good bonfire!
    i especially love the ones gardeners have where they burn dry wood and leaves~i can usually smell one at a distance and if we drive through the smoke of one i always open the window for the smell~it reminds me of the forest :)

  2. WOW, that is SOME bonfire! Old cabin wood probably burns very well, Hope you're enjoying the weekend!

  3. Looks like a good time!

    I love and miss bonfires. It is way too hot to burn anything here. Sigh... I guess I can just enjoy bonfires vicariously through your blog until the fall weather arrives.

  4. It was a beautiful fire, and Staci we were way back from it! I should mention that this fire is in a good open, flat area with water close by and it was a still, no-wind evening--otherwise we'd have held off. We like a good fire, but we also know the dangers living far from a fire department.

  5. We haven't had a bonfire in several months. It's just too dry. So right now we are building one, too.

  6. We spend most of our fall and winter evenings around a fire out back. There has been a hanful of times that we've gotten up while it was still dark, stoked the coals that were left from the night before and had our morning coffee by the fire.

    We also enjoy doing a lot of our cooking over the fire when the weather is cool enough not to break a sweat.

    We live out in the boondocks near a town that I do not believe has a fire department that is staffed, I think they are all volunteers. It scares me to think about anything catching fire out here, everything would be a pile of ashes before the fire department got to us.

  7. Hey Granny Sue!

    Now that is a good looking FIRE! I'll bet you could have roasted your marshmallows standing 10 feet away from that one! The 4th was a good night for a good fire.

    Staci having lived through a forrest fire created by my neighbors a few years ago I'll have to say this about the fire department. They DON'T do anything to help put that fire out. They did come when I called because it was getting close to our house but come midnight they left without saying a word and it was still right by my house. We live out so we have well water. My husband had to stand on our house all night long running water on the side of our house to keep it from catching fire! During the day the forrest rangers would try to fight it. It lasted a week and burned 250 acres. I could go on and on but I'll spare you the rest of the details.

  8. Angela - How horrible. I can't imagine being left to fight for your own house.

    I lived in Florida during the wild fires a while back and remember watching on the news. They streamed video after video of home owners standing on the roof of their homes with a garden hose trying to save them from the fire.

  9. Those fireworks look pitiful by that fire Sue! :)


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