
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Otis and Clyde

What poor Otis has to put up with as surrogate daddy for the new kitten Clyde. Maybe it's payback for his annoying ways as a puppy?

It starts quietly enough. Otis and Jeb are sleeping comfortably when the kitten decides to join them. It's not long before Clyde discovers the big chew toy right beside him--Otis' leg. Otis objects, but only mildly.

Kitten and big poppa

Sometimes the kitten just needs to be taught who is boss and Otis will pin him down,

but not for long.


  1. Aaaww, Otis!
    (I can't wait to show this to the kids when they're up tomorrow)

  2. Lovely photos, Otis looks as if he's a great 'dad' to the kitten. He looks a great dog all round in fact, he has a lovely kind face.

  3. Wow Otis must be one good dog - because those little kitten claw hooks are painful!

  4. What a sweet dog. I did not know you were such a cat-person as well as a dog lover.--Jane D.

  5. Awww...what precious dogs to put up with the kitten like that, too cute:)

  6. Otis has become a very good dog. As a puppy, I wasn't sure I could survive him, he was so much trouble--digging, chewing, jumping, just so hyper. But now that he's two he's settling down. And he loves the kitten. He was the first to try to clean Clyde--even Charley refused to do that.

  7. Otis has become a very good dog. As a puppy, I wasn't sure I could survive him, he was so much trouble--digging, chewing, jumping, just so hyper. But now that he's two he's settling down. And he loves the kitten. He was the first to try to clean Clyde--even Charley refused to do that.

  8. Jane, here's the funny thing: I was looking for a "barn cat"--a cat that would stay outside and take care of mice and such. I wasn't looking for a petting cat. But Charley refused to be a barn cat--she wanted to live on the porch and be petted. We watched her play all by herself and I felt kind of sorry for her; she needed a playmate. Derek had surprise kittens so we took Clyde, not as a pet for us, but as a playmate for Charley. Now we're the once benefiting because we're entertained nightly with the latest episode in the adventures of them getting to know each other. And becoming cat people in the process.

  9. I love watching kittens play!
    Poor Otis, can't even get a decent nap. tee hee


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