
Thursday, July 29, 2010


The peach trees didn't do as well this year, but the peaches we did get were a good size. The trees seemed to be loaded earlier; perhaps those late frosts in early May damaged the fruit and it dropped.
Still we had about a bushel; by the time they were ripe though, many had spoiled. I am not sure why since they were hand-picked and stored in the cellar a few days to ripen.

The few I had left to work with weren't enough to make a full canner load so I decided to freeze them instead. I peeled and cut them up, added some sugar and bagged for the freezer.

We did keep one bowl full out, however, for dessert. Those peaches were just too good fresh. There are a lot of good recipes for cooking with peaches, and I hope to try a few out later this year. Cobbler is our standby, of course, but I'd like to try some new ideas this year. Like peach salsa, maybe, or rosemary chicken and peaches. My latest issue of Better Homes and Gardens included a lot of tempting recipes; you can find them and others on the BHG website.

Do you have a good peach recipe to share? I'd like to hear about it.


  1. I hope you kept the skins and made honey with them!!


  2. Those peaches do look delicious - YUMMMMM.

  3. themac, I did not do that--would you please share how to do it? I have a vague recollection of doing it years ago, but can't remember. And you know me, I hate to throw stuff out if it can be used :)

    They were delicious, Ellouise. I'm hoping the other trees hold off until I get home and have time to work on them.


    The site is a little hard to read for me, but I made this honey last year with my scrapes from canning. My 83 yo grandmother-in-law was completely amazed! And, she's hard to amaze. I kept the scrapes in a canning jar in the fridge for a few days since after a day of canning, I need to step away from the kitchen!

    themac (Judi)

  5. No, but, like you, I am on the search.
    We have three young peach trees. Which are only producing small peaches. Not enough to do anything with just yet. But I have high hopes.
    They were planted in memory of my Father, Mother and brother who have passed in recent years.


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