
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pickles and Peaches, Pickles and Peaches, and Family

That's the story this week: dill pickles and freezing peaches. 12 more pints tonight, and 10 more quarts of peaches. The tomatoes have slowed down to a trickle, which makes me sad but I am hopeful they will pick up again when the temperatures are more moderate. The gardens have that late-summer, worn-out, weeded-over look that cries out for a weedeater, but I'm not willing to go there yet because under all that yuck are  many good plants that are still yielding good veggies.

I'll be leaving Friday morning to spend a few days with Jaime as she recovers. She'll be leaving Assoteague Island tomorrow for the long trip home. We've worked out a schedule so she'll have someone with her and the kids for at least a week, then we'll see how she's doing and what more is needed. I think I'll be bringing the last half-bushel of peaches with me; no sense letting them rot and they can go in Jaime's freezer.

It was Jaime's son James' birthday today, and what better gift than to have his mother out of the hospital? Aunt Jennifer was there to help celebrate with a cake and gifts. Family is a special gift, especially in such times as these. I know James felt well-loved and cared for with his Dad, Mom, sister, grandparents, aunt and a cousin to celebrate with him. I'll get my birthday hug on Friday.

Other news: grandson Jared brought home his girlfriend to meet his family. She is from Boston and this is her first trip to West Virginia. I expect it's been a bit of an eyeopener, but she certainly seems to be enjoying her first taste of mountain culture.

What else is going on? Granddaughter Cassidy is singing tonight at an open mic in Shepherdstown, a cousin is in new love, and a son has some big news he hasn't shared with everyone yet, but it's good. Very good.

As Garrison Keillor says, that's all the news that isn't from this little house in the hills.


  1. Wow, I'm so glad to hear Jaime is doing better! I was hoping for a speedy recovery!!!! Please take my love with you to her and please be safe while travelling.

    Love you guys!!!

  2. Life. Family. Work. Living. You have a lot going on. Change is inevitable! Hang on tight! Enjoy the ride!

  3. All good news Sue! :) I am glad Jaime is feeling better, grateful that Jennifer could go and be with her and wish I had heard about Cassidy earlier. :( Love to all.

  4. It is good news, Theresa. Just waiting for a certain son ;) to drop his news.

  5. Nance, you're right, and I find that the tagline for this blog pretty much sums all that up for me. Life is many-faceted, or perhaps more like many threads all weaving together as we spin around the sun.

  6. So glad Jamie is home. Hope you have a safe trip.

  7. Glad Jaimie is dong better and getting to come home. I know she'll appreciate all the help she'll be getting for the next few days. And I am glad you will be able to help out, too.
    My tomatoes have been trickling all summer. **sniff**sniff**
    Hope you have a safe trip.
    I can't wait to hear the exciting news. And I am glad you have all this good news to report. Lord knows you've had enough bad news lately.


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