
Friday, September 17, 2010

Computer Blues, Mothman, and Weekend Plans

As in the blue screen of death. Again. My computer crashed last night for no reason I know of, just another fun adventure with Microsoft and Vista. I hope. I hope it's not some nasty virus thingy that will require a trip to the computer doctor. I know one tihng for sure: I will probably be spending my quality at-home time this evening on the phone with India. Sigh.

Update: Computer seems to be fixed without benefit of India. Yay!
We have a busy time planned this weekend anyway so there may be little time for blogging. Lots of family are coming in to help take down the old cabin, we'll be making more cider and there is that Mothman Festival going on in Point Pleasant.

Hannah in 2007 when we went Mothman hunting

Even though the TNT Area is now off limits due to one of the old munitions bunkers exploding last spring (yes, it really did--read about it here),

One of the bunkers, back in 2007 when we could still explore there. What does the sign say?

Oh yeah, right. No one knew there really were explosives being stored there.

there is still a lot to see and do during the festival including live musc, hayrides, speakers on paranormal topics and more.

Update: Well, some family coming. Others could not make it. But we're forging ahead anyway.
So I'll be back as soon as I can with photos from what we got into over the weekend, and in the meantime, check out some of the new links in my sidebar to some blogs I think you'll enjoy. I love geting to know other bloggers, and these new ones are some interesting folks.

Update: maybe tomorrow night or Sunday I'll be able to post photos!


  1. Oh dear, live explosives being stored in a place where anyone could access - scary.

    I love the paranormal, wish I could be there to hear the speakers!

    Your weekend sounds like so much fun.

  2. I know, it's bizarre. No one knew the bunkers were being used--although when we went there a year before, the bunkers were open and we went inside. Next time we visited, they were locked, or at least this one was. We thought it was because of vandalism or something like that--there were a lot of people who came there because of the Mothman legend.So we thought that's why they were closed to the public. The signs were really old, probably from the old munitions use.

  3. Sounds like a awesome weekend!

  4. It's been fun so far Peggy. The cabin is down and the logs and some of the lumber is home. Now we have to stack the logs to get them off the ground, and start saving money for the foundation. Next Spring, I hope we can start building on the room.

  5. It's been fun so far Peggy. The cabin is down and the logs and some of the lumber is home. Now we have to stack the logs to get them off the ground, and start saving money for the foundation. Next Spring, I hope we can start building on the room.

  6. I look at the pictures of Hannah and Haley and am amazed at how grown up they are now!

  7. Haven't they, though? A year or two makes a huge difference at that age.


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