
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gas at Last

Well, almost. After almost 3 years of procrastinating, Larry is running the gas line. It's no small job--a half mile of pipe that has to run over some steep terrain. He's almost done with this part, and now we need to get our neighbor here to figure out how to install a furnace/AC unit and how and where to run the gas lines for the hot water and cookstove. Once he's done though, we'll have FREE gas from our gas well.

I can't wait. We are thinking about one of those tankless water heaters because of space considerations and also because they just make sense. If you have one, I'd like to hear about your experiences. We're also going to have taps for the garage and the greenhouse, and maybe one for the chicken house too--might as well keep those girls warm! The best part of all this, really, is that I don't have to worry about Larry cutting firewood when he's 80. We'll always need a little wood for the fireplace, of course, but the big work of cutting a shed-full of wood every year will be over.

The second best part is getting my Tappan stove hooked up. I've been patiently waiting all summer, and now I am hoping that I will have it by Thanksgiving. I better, because my electric range is down to one burner since Larry "fixed" it last month. It will not be fun to cook Thanksgiving dinner like that! So keep your fingers crossed that all goes well and the free gas will be flowing smoothly by the end of October. That's my goal, anyway.

Keep your fingers crossed. I hope there isn't a big boom when this is all done...


  1. Sue, we have an "on demand" hot water heater in our Missouri cabin. For years and years we heated water in a pan on the stove -- to do dishes, wash hands, for spit baths and anytime we wanted to wash something! (Does anyone now even now what a spitbath is?) Anyway, we love the tankless hot water heater. It might not shower a family of 6 but it will wash a sink load of dishes, wash hands in the bathroom, provide a proper shower and do a load of laundry. I think you will like it! Go for it!

  2. Wow, that's totally brilliant! There's no better way to cook than with a gas stove. We have electric and I regret every day that we can't have gas because there's no line that runs through our area.


  3. No Booms Sue! I hope it happens quickly for you all. It would be nice for you to be able to go away in the winter and not worry about frozen pipes, etc.

  4. That is exciting news! I am happy that you will soon be "cookin' with gas" again. There is just no better way to cook.

  5. I agree, Char and Jai. I loved cooking on my gas stove and was sad when we had to convert to electric. And Theresa, to travel worry-free--now THAT will be a plus.

    I remember spitbaths, Nance--what a term, though! I bet kids would gross out at that word. Thank you for the feedback on the water heater. They cost more but I think it will suit our needs better.

  6. Susanna, my fingers are crossed. I'm sure Larry will get it done.

  7. I'm tankless too! However, due to our well (.5 g/minute = not great) we installed a 100 gallon holding tank as well. It is awesome! We use propane for heat (gas stove, gas dryer, domestic heat as well as infloor heat -I live where it gets to -30's in the winter so we have a wood stove used for heat but when it gets THAT cold, we need more).

    The only drawback is that it takes wasting 3-4 gallons of water before it warms up.



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