
Thursday, September 30, 2010

A little bee of a problem

Larry has been putting in gas lines to get ready for when the free gas is finally ready to turn on. He was running a line to the kitchen today and had to drill a hole in the outside wall. First knock on the wall brought out some mighty angry yellow jackets!

Apparently they are in the wall outside the kitchen. Poor man, he said he was a fast mover getting away from there but they still stung him three times. He's getting his revenge tonight, put kerosene down in the place where he found them. Tomorrow we'll see how many are still living. (Thank goodness for rough wood siding, you can do things like that without ruining your house). He has wasp and hornet spray to finish them off tomorrow--I hope. Unless he just made them madder.

What should be a simple job just got complicated. Isn't that the way it always goes? And of course we'll have to pull off that part of the wall, remove the nest and repair the wall. THAT will wait until winter when we're sure (or as sure as we can be) that all the bees are dead or gone.

Never a dull moment. There are times when I am quite happy to be working 50 miles away.

Don't tell Larry I said that.


  1. Oh, no!
    He sure was lucky to only get stung 3 times.
    Poor guy!
    I sure hope the kerosene does the trick!!

  2. Ugh. I'm absolutely terrified of bees, wasps, basically any kind of flying thing that stings. Hope he can get rid of them.

  3. Hope Larry is ok! Nothing is ever simple; always something blocking the way for me too! Hope you get your gas line in to the kitchen soon.

  4. He's okay, just sore--but I think he got even last night. He'll be checking today to see if he got them all. What a guy. Me, I'd be saying, okay let's move the stove into the living room then! And let those sleeping bees lie :)

  5. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron

  6. I am glad he is ok I hope he gets the all I do not like bees....

  7. Bees I like, yellow jackets not at all. They are nasty little critters. We occasionally hit a ground nest when bulldozing, and they love to build in metal fence posts. I've spent more than one summer with a can of spray in my saddle bag while checking cattle.

  8. Well,the kerosense only partially worked. There seem to be more bees under there, so he'll go to plan B--massive spray attack. I don't mind sharing space with critters outside, but the house is mine. It only takes a few square feet of space and I figure they can do without this much :)

    I am sorry not to respond to everyone earlier. Computer problems...again. This time it was the anti-virus. grrr....


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