
Monday, September 20, 2010

Microfiction Monday: Statistics

Let me see your toes.


Mama said a man's toes reflect the size of other body parts.

Shoes off, she took his hand.

Oh my.

Join the fun! Visit Susan's blog to find out how to play. Then write your own, 140-character or less story to go with the photo, and put a link to your post on her blog. It's a good way to hone your writing skills, taking a story down to a bare minimum but still creating an entire story. Try it!


  1. I guess she's a Lady who knows what she wants, and likes what she sees.

  2. Bill, ;) yup, I'd say so.

    priyanka, thank you!

  3. No. No. No. I can't stop laughing! This is the best of the day.

    Have a great week x

  4. Thanks, ellie :)

    now don't go around lookin' at men's toes!

  5. lol goodness, I am blushing lol good stuff Miss Granny Sue! I'm looking forward to stumbling round your blogs a bit. I love Appalachia... My wife is from St Albans/Beckley WV, I am from the northern end of the Apppalachian Mountains in western NY State.

  6. LOL! Well, I guess she's made her intentions clear.

  7. I had heard it was the size of the feet that herald good or bad news for other body what you did with this week's picture.

  8. HI-larious, Granny Sue. Yours is a totally unique take on this week's MfM picture!

  9. BWAHAHAHA I love this. I wonder how true it is LOL :) Excellent take on the photo. :) Have a great week ahead :)

  10. Thank you all for your comments. This week's picture was perfect for all kinds of stories. I've enjoyed visiting your blogs and reading your takes on it too.

  11. LOL!!!! sooo funny, very good one, I loved this :o)

  12. I had always heard it was the thumb that told the tale! LOL! Good take on this weeks 140!


  13. Thanks all! Sometimes my inner demons take over the keyboard :)


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