
Friday, September 10, 2010


...about so many things that I'm finding it difficult to write about any one of them. For example:

*there's that crazy preacher in Florida who wants to endanger all Americans in the mid-East by burning the Quran. How would he react to the burning of the bible, and why can't he understand the implications of such an action? Free speech or not, he should remember that "my rights end where yours begin."

*then there's the WVU-Marshall football game tonight, probably of interest to few people outside of West Virginia. It's a backyard brawl, one state football team against another. Not especially exciting, I suppose, except that tonight Marshall almost won. That's saying a lot since these two schools are in different conferences and really it's a mismatch in WVU's favor. But Marshall just about took it tonight, and that has to feel good to their Thundering Herd fans, especially since this year is the 40th anniversary of the terrible plane crash that took the lives of one of the best teams that Marshall has ever had. If you want to know more about that story, watch the movie We Are Marshall. It's the only movie I have ever attended that got a standing ovation in the theatre. It's good. Really good. Matthew McConaughey did the college proud.

*two days off on sick leave have allowed me not only to nurse my poor throat, but also to consider what life could be when I retire. Did I mention that I am definitely doing that in June? Being here to cook, clean, write, think, and completely sink into home has made me wish that day would hurry up and get here. This is who I am and what I want to do with the rest of my life. So I'm working toward that end now, planning a budget we can live with and determining what we have to do to make it work. I'm excited and so looking forward to this new chapter.

*a new/old ghost story has completely absorbed my curiosity. I'm digging in to research the how, why and history of the people involved. A story that only details people seeing things and hearing strange sounds is not enough--I want to know who the people were, where they lived and anything else I can discover. I need now to find the grave, the house site, the records. It's not a great story, but it is a story with a history and that's enough for me.

From the global perspective to the home front to the strangeness of the past, there is much to think about this evening. So please forgive me if I have not posted much lately. My mind is so full that some evenings I cannot isolate one thought long enough to write about it. Tomorrow? I think I'll be back to normal again--whatever that is!


  1. Hey Granny Sue!

    I hope your throat gets better! I had to take my son to the doctor 2 weeks ago and he had strep! First week of school.

    That's great news about your retirement coming up! I'm sure you will love it!

    Not sure if you know it or not but there are a few genealogy sites that might help you to find the information that you are looking for for your ghost stories. There are cemetery that have been recorded of all of the people at different cemeteries around too.

  2. Yeah June!! Retirement is wonderful. I had the month of November at home with pneumonia about four years before I retired. I found it shockingly easy to be idle at home. . . with your creative mind you will always have plenty to do . . .

  3. Yeah June!! Retirement is wonderful. I had the month of November at home with pneumonia about four years before I retired. I found it shockingly easy to be idle at home. . . with your creative mind you will always have plenty to do . . .

  4. Hope your throat feels better soon. I can understand you looking forward to retirement and being at home all the time. I'm lucky enough to have been a full time housewife and mother all my married life and if I could go back and start again I'd make exactly the same choice. Your story investigations sound intriguing - just the sort of thing I'd enjoy doing too. Will you tell us what you discover?

  5. Angela, the genealogy sites have been invaluable in my research, as have the vital records listings on the WV Culture and History website, and the listing of people who received land grants. I can't help but wonder what people did before the internet made it so easy to find and share such information. A lot of the work is done by ordinary folks looking into their family histories, and we all benefit from the shared pool of knowledge.

  6. Mary, you know it! I can't wait.

    Rowan, I was a stay-home mom for the first 15 years, then went to work of necessity. The stay-home years are my best memories, even though we were dirt poor. There are riches other than money--we need money, of course, but we can do with much less than we think we need.

  7. I hope you are feeling better today.

    I was so glad to hear that person called off his book burner. I get very upset when people propagate hate in the name of their own righteousness.

  8. Me too, Nessa. That is not what America is about. Some forget that freedom of religion and freedom of speech do not mean freedom to spew hate talk. Maybe out of this will come a better national conversation? I hope so. We've become so divided and people have forgotten how to agree to disagree. Courtesy, compassion, and respect should be our key words on all dealings with others.


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