
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Why Didn't I Think of it Sooner?

I am one of those people who like things organized--in closets, cabinets, drawers, wherever. You might not guess that immediately on seeing my house, but it's true. As a child I liked to collect small boxes. I didn't use them for much because I didn't have much to put in them, but I liked the way they stacked so neatly in my dresser drawer. Maybe it was the possibility of organization that attracted me.

So. My husband, I suspect like many other husbands, does not share my fascination with putting things back in the same place after use. If he needs a paring knife, for example, he knows that I keep knives in the old treadle sewing machine drawers I now use for storage in the pantry cupboard. He will go straight there to get a knife. If I was the one putting away the dishes, the knife will be in the drawer. If he put away the dishes, the possibilities for the current location of the knife are endless, and mysterious. The knife may not be seen again in our lifetime.

I'm funny about bed linens too. I like matched pillowcases and matched sheets. They don't all have to match each other, but there should be two of each pillowcase and the sheets should at least be color-coordinated. I know, it's silly, right? But I buy them that way--the rose-flowered fitted sheet to go with the pink-edged top sheet, and the pink and green pillowcases. It's not high style, more like shabby chic, but I like the eclectic look. It just has to have some semblance of having been planned that way. Plain ol' shabby is just...well, shabby.

The thing is, I'm usually at work when Larry decides to change the sheets. I'm not complaining about him changing them, mind--that's a blessing. But you know, once the sets are mismatched it takes forever to get everything clean and back with its mate! It's one of those little burs under the marriage saddle that irritate but aren't important enough to make a fuss over. Well, take that back. I have made a fuss over it,  but it doesn't change a thing. I tell myself, shut up, you have clean sheets on the bed!

Finally I have hit on a solution. I bet you all figured this out long ago and here I am 59 years old and just getting it. It requires me putting away the sheets of course--which I usually do, trying to put all the matching pieces together so he can just pull them out as needed. (Doesn't work--he still manages to mismatch them).

My solution? (Drum roll, please) Fold the matching pillowcases and sheet sets together! I fold the top sheet in half, lay it on the bed, fold the fitted sheet in half and lay on top, then fold the two sheets into one bundle. Same with pillowcases--two pillowcases, laid on top of each other and folded together into one neat package. Now all he has to do is pick up one sheet and he'll have the matched set. Pick up one pillowcase and he'll have the set.

Cool, huh? And I bet you've been doing this all along! Now as I type I'm thinking, "Wait! I could fold the pillowcases in with the sheets!" Sigh. Next time, that's just what I'll do.

Why did it take me so long to figure this out?


  1. Hey Granny Sue!

    I am trying to get my house organized again. It seems like an endless task that I just can't seem to get it done. Sigh....

    Anyway, I wanted to give you my tip about the sheets. Fold the top and bottom sheets and put them inside of one of the pillow cases along with the other pillow case inside with the sheets. That way he can just grab the pillow case bag with everything in it.

  2. oh, rats, Angela! I was going to say that! lol

  3. Yup me too - I put it all into a matching pillowcase. LOL

    My husband was the same! If I was the last one to use something, he could go right to where it belonged and get it. If *he* used it last, it would be on whatever flat surface was nearest where he used it -- often the floor, or outside in the rain. Grrr!!

  4. It must be a man thing! My DH has been getting things out of the same drawer or cupboard for the last 30 odd years but he still can't put them back there if he's the one putting them away. Drives me crazy!!

  5. I fold them all together, but the idea of putting them in a pillow case is brilliant! My loving husband cannot put tools away! So, my toolbox is constantly being raided because he can't find his tools! Is there a solution for that?

  6. I love this article. Not because I have any great suggestions for helping to reign in an albeit loving but disorganized husband, but more so because it's reassuring to know that other marriages battle this chronic condition and that other women are willing to admit just how annoying it is to have one's attempts at organization constantly undermined. Don't even get me started on said husband's offspring! HA.

  7. This is so funny! I thought it was just my man but there seem to be many like him. Gotta love these guys--they get a lot done but just not the way we might do it.

    At a training thing one time the lady said it's because this isn't high on his to-do list like it is on mine. She's right--his to-do list is very different from mine, and that doesn't make it wrong. Somehow we've managed to rub along, usually working together fairly well. But that bur can get pretty sticky sometimes!

  8. Angela took my suggestion, too. Put everything in the pillow case. But, do I do that? No.

  9. I love that idea of folding matching linens together -- good problem-solving. I'm still using some of my old waterbed sheets, which are sewn together at the bottom . . . I sometimes fold together matching towels and washcloths . . . you know, the good ones I keep put up for company . . .

  10. Oh by far is it just your man. It is pretty much ALL men I believe and you are so right. Organization is on the very bottom of most men's list, unless of course it's there little area of tools or how about the tv flipper. You know the one that they go nuts over when the kids have misplaced it.
    Ha...see maybe it's not organization that's on the bottom of their list - maybe it's just a difference in what they feel needs organized versus what we think needs it.
    And the circle does continue with their offspring!

  11. You know, Mary, I wonder why they don't do all sheets like that. How much easier it would be!

    Jessica, you're too funny! I never thought about the remote. Course, we don't have one so I guess that's why. But my youngest? Yeah, chip off the old block :) Which is good and bad.

  12. The way I match is to....match nothing. My house is completely unmatched in every way shape and form. My woods don't match, my colors don't match and my home is so cozy and straight up eclectic. I used to match when I was married to a master Chief in the Navy. We bought all the right stuff and the right colors. When our marriage of 21 years ended I decided to find ME. ME doesn't like beef, matching colors or decor or regular exercise.. Now ME is veeeeerryyy happy and doing GREAT! Who'd a-thunk? :)

  13. That's funny, Maggie. You know my house--most stuff doesn't match, but sheets? I like them at least color coordinated. I'm not quite as free a spirit as you :)

  14. LOL, I don't know how many times I've been looking for something in my kitchen and say "Dear husband? If you were to put away the green colander, where do you think you'd put it?" It's been years since I've seen a particular pan lid, and a certain sized scoop.

    But... the sheets! Stop folding them! My newest discovery in timesaving techniques.... they go straight from the washer on to the bed. Seriously! Put the fitted sheet on, drape the flat over it (but don't tuck it in yet). They dry in less than an hour and are divinely smooth and crisp!

  15. you're kidding! put them on the be wet? Now there is a thought I'd never considered. It's certainly worth a try. Thanks for the idea!

  16. After reading all the comments I realize I have a unique husband , he is highly organized around the house and everything has its place but his tool room is a completely different story . Now if you ask him where a certain tool is he can tell you in a second , organized chaos I call it .

  17. Granny Sue- I didn't believe it until I tried it and was amazed at how quickly they dried! And I've been doing it for MONTHS - not just during the warm months (tho my house has AC so it's never all that warm inside anyway).

  18. I put it all inside a pillowcase, too. So much easier for storage, too.
    Oh, and my Captain is not organized at all. I think if it weren't for me, everything we own would be out in the yard. LOL

  19. I'm iffy about my sheets too!

    I like the idea of putting the matching sheet and other pillow case inside one of the pillow cases and then folding that in half. That way there's not way anything can fall out and the husband can just pull out one thing which contains the whole set. Genius.



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