
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Beautiful Jackson's Mill

Sharing some of the beauty of Jackson's Mill with you:

 The graveyard just across from our lodge hold graves of some of Stonewall Jackson's relatives, incuding his grandfather.
 Stone, iron, and earth create a landscape of angles and softness.

Maples glowed in the woods behind the cemetery. 

The flag is on the grave of Jackson's grandfather. 

 Adam explored the herb garden beside the McWhorter cabin, and brought bits of leaves for us to smell and identify.

 The McWhorter cabin basks in the October sun,

and a Koi glides beneath reflected green in the mill pond.

Blaker's Mill is still operational and I brought home a five-pound bag of corn meal stone-ground at this mill. It makes the best cornbread.

 The Director's house is a testament to his wife's gardening abilities.

Stately, restful oaks line a path on the grounds.


  1. Loved all of these beautiful Autumn pictures Granny Sue!♥

  2. Thanks, Tammy! Fall is being beautiful around here right now. It's just breathtaking. I had heard we would not have much color this year, but someone apparently forgot to tell the trees that bit of information :)

  3. Thanks for the great pictures. We don't really have that much color here so it's wonderful to see your area of the country.

  4. Thanks, Brighid and Scout. It's almost as pretty as Springtime, I think.

  5. I don't think I have a favorite season. They all have beauty. I'd be hard pressed to say a favorite.

  6. I agree...these pictures do show it's beauty.
    Looks very peaceful, too.


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