
Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Book Festival is Coming!

The West Virginia Book Festival is coming soon! If  you're a bookophile like I am (the real world is bibliophile, but I like bookophile better) then you need to be in Charleston, WV on October 16 and 17 for the tenth annual Book Festival.

What's at the festival? Nicholas Sparks. Carmen Deedy. Diane Gabaldon. And lots of other great authors. Storytelling. Writing workshops. Author sessions. Book signing. Booths of all kinds with books and other stuff for sale. A kid's play area. Fun. Lots of fun. And the biggest used book sale in West Virginia.

That's where I'll be--at the book sale, working in the Collector's Corner among all the rare, out-of-print books. I will have to bring some $$$ with me I know, because I'll be shopping as well as working. I've come away with some great bargains in past years and I expect to do the same this year. I'm still feeling good about the book I bought for $3 last year that turns out to be worth about $470. That doesn't always happen but every once in a while a person can get lucky.

You can find out all about the Book Festival events on the website, West Virginia Book Festival.


  1. oh. Sending regrets. I won't make it. Still not living the dream . . . still not living in W VA.

  2. I'd love to be in Charleston next weekend - bit far for me to come though:) I'd like to be there both for the book fair and to see some of the lovely houses, I've always wanted to visit Charleston and Savannah but Virginia is as far South as I've got up to now. Maybe one day....

  3. Oh wow!
    I never even knew there was such a thing.
    I wish I lived closer cause I'd sure be there.
    A person can NEVER have too many books!

  4. Ohhhh ... you're getting Carmen Deedy! I heard her once some years back at the National Book Festival on the Mall here in DC, and she was fantastic. They don't give storytelling anymore, which is a great, great pity.


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