
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: November Walk in the Yard

 The herb garden, mostly cleaned out and ready for winter. Brave parsley hangs on.
 Spirea adds its changing leaves to the fall colors.
 The hard frost Sunday morning shook down many of the mulberry's leaves.
 Late roses are stilll blooming despite two heavy frosts.
 Even the yellow rose still has blooms.
The oaks show their scant autumn color--oaks didn't make their usual good showing this year. Can you find the hidden Lab?


  1. that is one hearty rose! :)

    Happy WW!

  2. It's a knockout rose, and I'm learning to love their hardiness!

  3. I did not find the hidden lab, but is that a little potbelly stove in the first pic?

  4. It is, Farmchick--it was a gift from my daughter-in-law, who brought it to WV from South Carolina.

  5. Click on the lastpicture to enlarge it and you might find the lab!

  6. I think I like the first shot best. The color is lovely.

    Here's my Wordless Wednesday:

    I hope you will stop by.

  7. I didn't find the Lab either . . . but I think I found a walking plow? I've been hearing about the Knock Out roses and might have to surprise my husband with one. How much sunshine do they need? lol we have mainly shade.

  8. They seem to thrive in almost any setting, Nance. Mine are in almost full sun.


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