
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

As the Next Storm Approaches

These are a few pictures I've taken over the past two weeks, but haven't had a chance to post: looking back to the last snowfall as the next storm is on its way. Right now most of the old snow is gone in the sunny places, just the drifts and shaded places are still white. The ground is muddy and dreary and along the roads are patches of gray, tired slush. It's time for a new blanket. I'd rather have snow than mud.

In this last picture, taken two days ago, you can see how much has melted. Even more is gone now. One thing about a thaw like this is that the ground smells so rich, so like Spring. And on Sunday, I saw a lone robin on a branch--now I'm trying to figure out if he was lost or just confused. Seriously, though, robins sometimes do winter over in this area, although this is the first one I've seen this winter.

Larry has been getting ready for Spring anyway. Yesterday he oiled up all the garden tools, fixed a few handles, and even cut some brush. He's been organizing buildings, too, and taking long walks with the dogs and the cats each day, and reading the pruning book before venturing out to the grapevines and fruit trees. It's getting late for pruning, but I hope he will finish by the end of next week.

And in three weeks, if the weather breaks for a couple days, he'll be burning off the lettuce bed and getting the first seeds out. Yes, Spring is coming and it's not so far off.


  1. I'd rather see snow than mud too! I did hear that there are more Robins who stayed for the Winter this year on wsaz's John Marr segment. So maybe that is one of them that stayed. I haven't seen any where I live yet. Usually when I do see them it is when Spring has officially arrived. Sounds like Larry is ready for Spring!

  2. There's a definite feel of spring in the air here though that doesn't mean we won't get any more snow of course. Night time temps are low with heavy frosts but the days are producing blue skies and sun shine and I've been working in my garden the last few days just clearing dead leaves and debris that I didn't get to in autumn. A few snowdrops are already flowering and it feels good to be outdoors even if it's only a temporary respite before winter returns.

  3. Snowdrops already, Rowan! Theresa and Julie, are you reading this? :) My sisters and my mother always had a race to see who would have the first flowers. I don't remember any reported in January though. I think you got the prize this year, Rowan.

  4. I also like snow more than mud. And if the weatherman is right we will be seeing more of the white stuff this evening. I haven't seen a robin yet and Charley hasn't pruned anything yet. If I remember right, he usually does pruning in February.

  5. Wow, so much snow. I don't know how you do it, Sue. I can't imagine being holed up in all that every winter. Even though it is beautiful.

    Spring is around the corner! Yay!


  6. Bring on the snow!
    All the snow has been melted and now the dogs are tracking mud each time they enter the house.
    It is snowing now and it is so pretty.

  7. Just before those big snow storms hit across the US a couple of weeks ago, our yard was full of robins. Really strange, because we only get robins in the early spring. I wonder with all this crazy weather patterns they aren't a little confused?!


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