
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My New Used Bookstore

It's virtually true, anyway. I am now selling used and collectible books online at Amazon. My collection is getting too large for my shelving, and I keep buying more books! So something had to give, and I decided to start selling some of my books online. Amazon has a simple to use interface that allows me to list my books and pay them a modest fee if something sells. Last night was my first sale! To one of my sisters, but hey, it was a sale :) Thank you, Maggie!

I will continue to add books as I sort through my collection. You can see what I have for sale at any time by checking the widget in the side bar called Railey Ridge Books (that's my "store" name). Clicking on a title will take you to the book on Amazon. You can also find me on Amazon at:

As retirement comes ever closer (3 months away!), I'm still exploring other things I can do, and books is one thing I know a lot about, so this seems like a natural. I hope you'll take a look from time to time as I add more books to the store.


  1. Hey Granny Sue!

    That sounds like a great idea! I tried to click on the link you gave in your post and it came up that it didn't exist. I looked at it and you have a typo in the link. Thought you would want to know so you could change it.

  2. Oops! I'll fix that right away, Angela. Someone else emailed me about it too. Thanks for letting me know :)

  3. Good for you. What better place to start a book business than Amazon. I buy all my books used from them. Will check out your Amazon listings in the near future. -- barbara

  4. What a good idea, it's something I should do too, I always have more books than shelf space and I occasionally offload a few to charity shops but selling them would be a better idea.Hope you do well.

  5. Thanks, Barbara and Rowan! It's going to be a slow process, I can see that. In order to do well, a seller needs to have good ratings. The way to have ratings is to sell. The way to sell is to have good ratings--the vicious circle! But if I can get a few sales and a few people make good comments or provide a good rating, that will get me moving. It takes time to get that part going.

  6. Good luck, Susanne. I also clicked on the link and it doesn't work. I think it says it doesn't exist.

  7. I just checked it again, Janet, and it's working fine now. Who knows? Thanks for letting me know. I'll try it again later too.

  8. Annnndddd ... I look forward to being one of the first to give you good ratings! You had a book I've been wanting ... :)

  9. I too have way too many books and am considering best way to sell.

  10. Yours will be in the mail today, Markin! Thanks for ordering :) I listed a few more last night. And I have some with no Amazon record; so unless I want to spring for a paid account, I'll have to wait until someone else makes a listing, or sell them on eBay.

  11. SW, books seem to have a way of growing on us, don't they? I am still a lover of print when it comes to books, and especially old books. So I expect to always have too many--but all necessary!

  12. I didn't realize you were so close to retiring! Can't wait to hear what you do to keep yourself occupied once it happens - I have a feeling selling books will just be the tip of the iceberg!

  13. It's kind of surprising to me too, Liz :) I decided last fall that I was just...done. Burned out with the job and ready to do something else. AND eligible to retire. So why not?
    We will have to watch the money like crazy, but I don't care. I needed out of a job that was sucking me dry. Once the decision was made, a huge weight lifted.


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