
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


in time of daffodils (who know

the goal of living is to grow)

forgetting why, remember how

-ee cummings

from To an Early Daffodil

Thy green shoots up, inheriting the dowers
Of bending sky and sudden, sweeping showers,
Till ripe and blossoming thou art a thing
To make all nature glad, thou art so gay;
To fill the lonely with a joy untold;
Nodding at every gust of wind to-day,
To-morrow jewelled with raindrops. Always bold
To stand erect, full in the dazzling play
Of April's sun, for thou hast caught his gold.

The Song of the Daffodil Fairy

I’m everyone’s darling; the blackbird and starling
Are shouting about me from blossom and boughs.
For I, the Lent-lily, the Daffy-down-dilly,
Have heard through the country the call to arouse.
The orchards are ringing with voices a-singing
The praise of my petticoat, praise of my gown;
The children are playing, and hark! they are saying
That Daffy-down-dilly has come up to town!

daffodil fairy painting by Cicely Mary Barker


  1. Just absolutely wonderful! Got to see lots of daffodils in the smokies last week. They don't seem to do so good down in Florida. Love the daffodil fairy print.

  2. The stone wall, the metal wheel, the daffodils, the weathered wood, the whole look. Thank you for the photo.And the poetry.
    - Joy

  3. Just absolutely wonderful! Got to see lots of daffodils in the smokies last week. They don't seem to do so good down in Florida. Love the daffodil fairy print.

  4. Daffodils are one of my very favorite flowers, Mama-bug, so I am always excited to see them in spring. Someone referred to them once as fairy teacups, but I can't remember where I read that. Very apt description, I think.

  5. Joy, home is a pretty weathered place :) --but I thought you would enjoy the vintage touches scattered around here. I don't know if the mirror showed in that photo but that's to keep out evil spirits--they have to look at themselves and spend so long in admiration the sun comes up and they have to leave! Or so the folklore says.


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