
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Home Again and Whupped!

Boy, who would think working on stories could be so tiring! We had a great time and I'm exhausted. Talking, telling, singing, eating, walking, talking, telling, singing, eating...our storyteller's retreat was a great success.

And the Wells Inn is still the coolest hotel I know, and so improved since my last stay in 2008. The food is to die for, plenty of it and served in beautiful surrounding on lovely china, the staff of the Inn are as friendly as they can be, we got tours of all the restoration work in progress, and...oh yeah, we got a lot of work done on the stories we brought with us fir development.

I hope we do this again. I know I needed it to recharge after winter and to reconnect with storytelling friends.

I will post photos later--would you believe it snowed today? March being March.


  1. Welcome back. Your Storytelling convention sounds wonderful, looking forward to reading more and seeing your photos. Thank you for adding me to your blog list. I am getting lots of visits to my blog because you did. I finished my first flea market (selling) yesterday and I was so tired after the packing up and taking home. Slept well though.
    - Joy

  2. Sounds like a place I would truly love. Looking forward to reading your blog.

  3. Writing it now, Susie :)

    Joy, I emailed you--I wanted to be sure my readers saw your blog because it is just one fun place for those of us into vintage and antique!

  4. Sounds like you had a good time. This is all pretty exciting and I love seeing it all come together. Sistersville just reeked of story when we visited a few years ago. At that time the Inn was for sale and not yet rennovated. I hope they kept the ghosts?


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