
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Lone Traveler

This little beaver was making waves in the muddy waters of the Joe's Run watershed lake yesterday evening.


  1. Emily was just asking me if there was in fact a beaver still involved in that area...we will look for him this weekend (if it ever dries out some!)

  2. We have had several over the years, Warren. I love to see them at work. Once saw one pushing a log across the lake--now that looked like work.

    The lake isn't much to look at usually--it does its job of preventing flooding. But an unexpected bonus is the variety of water birds that come to visit--ospreys, herons, ducks of all kinds, a couple swans last year, all sorts of birds we would not see otherwise. And the beavers!

  3. a rare sight, thank you for sharing.
    - Joy

  4. They are industrious little fellows.

  5. wow! I know of, hear of, learn of beavers but I sure enjoy seeing one, now and then. Thanks, Sue!

  6. That little fella is really on the go. Neat snapshot!

  7. He was, Janet, and he wasn't paying me any mind at all. He apparently had work to do.

  8. Since it is clear that you are a nature and wildlife lover I would like to invite you to view my blog:

  9. Somebody told me a long time ago there were no beavers in WV.
    I knew there was and now I have proof!!!


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