
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Where the GPS Said "Turn Left"

 I didn't turn. Sheesh. GPS and West Virginia just don't mix, at least in the back country.


  1. That's funny! I'm not sure if the GPS my husband uses from work messes up like that. I know that it seems to do alright when we use it at Canaan Valley when we are geocaching. Maybe they have a different software system in theirs????

  2. That's modern technology for you! My GPS has gotten me lost several times.

  3. There's "dead ends" in southern Iowa and northern Missouri-- where the GPS tries to lure you and your common sense is saying "no, no". Here, I'm sure there used to be a road but these areas of the states are rural and not so affluent and a lot of the roads have been let go . . . aren't maintained anymore. It takes less than a generation and soon they are lost to our memories . . . but not to our GPS!

  4. It's not just a back country issue. I live in Elkview, WV, my gps had me get off an exit in Detroit. Ended up lost in a not so nice part of town. I followed like a sheep up until point. Very memorable experience.

  5. My daughter & I used her GPS and the one that came with the rental car in Chicago...what a trip. Different GPS's and they gave opposite directions, neither correct...we ended up putting both in the glove box and winging it. Did fine after that.

  6. Thank you for sharing your stories, your observations, your photos. I have been reading your blog for some time now with great enjoyment.

    GPS's are not simple. I gave up.

    - Joy

  7. It's seems to be endemic to these devices wherever they are, then! I admit, I have not plugged mine up to the computer to update it, but still, there have not been roads in the places it told me to turn for many, many years, if ever.

    Rob, we have had that experience too, blindly following when our common sense said no. We've also had it guide us out of places where we would surely have been lost. Personally, I prefer a map, or even two maps. I can pretty well find my way with a map and directions. The GPS? I just don't trust it.

    These are some funny stories, you know. We could have a whole website devoted to this topic, i bet!

  8. Joy, I am so glad you let me know you're here. I just stopped by your blog and I'm hooked. Love your collections.


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