
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I remember when 50 was ancient
when people who were 40 were old
and I thought I would not live to be 30
because after that, well,
I'd be old. And at 20,
I was too young
to know about old.

As the years changed, so did I.
30 was just the beginning I found,
even though my son told me on my birthday
that I should be relieved
because at least I would not die young.
He thought 30 was old.
I did not.
Not when I was 30.

40 was a blur--
school, a son starting kindergarten
as another graduated from college
and another from high school.
Days slipped quickly into full-time work,
classes and assignments, homework
and home work.
Old? Who had time to think about age?
I did not.
Not when I was 40.

50 arrived;
At 50, life was complicated, with family
things--grandchildren, wars, and elderly parents
who had always seemed young
and were suddenly,
well, old. And not well at all.
50's were a time of loss, days of grief
and yes, much joy too, but the grief
overwhelmed all.
I did not feel young anymore.
Not in my 50's.

Now here is 60
greeting me on this hot Solstice day.
I look ahead and see the sun
and happiness, introspection,
a time to evaluate all that went before,
find some meaning and understanding
of this odd path that has been my life.

I know grief, have met sorrow face to face
and I know that it cannot defeat me.
I have known deceit and hurt
and I know it cannot destroy
what is real and true.
I have loved and been truly loved
by many that I call family,
and many that I call friend.
I have been blessed
with a life rich in every part,
and I am grateful today
to say hello to 60.


  1. Happy Birthday, Sue. (and belated birthday greetings to West Virginia).

  2. Happy Birthday, Susanne. Hope you have many more years of growing, learning and enjoying life.

  3. Thank you, John and Janet. Getting older just gets better, except for the aches and pains. In my mind, I feel as young as I ever did, but much wiser and compassionate.

  4. Happy Belated Birthday!
    Wishing you much happiness in your 60's.

  5. I'm going to take a line from your poem as a prompt and go write a poem -- you have primed the pump, you blessed storied one.

  6. -- inspired by Granny Sue.


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