
Friday, July 8, 2011

Looking Ahead

Just for a day or two, though:

Going to see my friend Adam Booth tell stories today in Ripley and Ravenswood as part of the Stories at the River's Edge series developed by my friend Donna Wilson and me, and funded in part by a grant from ORBI.

Larry is finally going to start hooking up the gas water heater. I can tell he really doesn't want to do it, he's put it off so long! Wish him luck.

Waiting for news about the wake for my elderly friend Belva, and about funeral arrangements.

Trip to Charleston to visit my storytelling friend Karen in the hospital, and try to go to Huntington, too, to visit my other storytelling friend Keith in the hospital there.

Maybe go to open mic tonight in Charleston?

Go to ReStore in Charleston and look for a window (but that would mean unloading all the storytelling stuff in the car--do I really want to do that? Hmmm.)

Get the paperwork caught up.

Pick and can beans.

Go to John Henry Festival in Talcott, WV, and open mic at Chestnut Revival in Hinton, just up the road from the festival.

Get ready for storytelling trip on Monday, to Sistersville and  St. Mary's.

Wait for news about granddaughter Cassidy's trip to New York City today to meet with someone from Atlantic Records. They liked an original song she sent them and called her the next day. (Insert proud granny grin!). Keep your fingers crossed for her.

That should be enough to keep me busy for a few days. I don't expect to do it all. These are the things I want/need to do. Some will fall off the list as the priorities rise to the surface. So many choices, so little time.


  1. Granny Sue, you're supposed to be retired but looks like you're busier than ever! Don't forget to rest now and then!

  2. More than knee-deep. Pace yourself, a lots of emotional times inside of your plans. Take care.
    - Joy

    ps hope that the gas hot water hookup works out just fine.

  3. GSue, as I've said before, your to do list makes me exhausted just reading it. LOL :)

    Good luck and say Hi to Karen for me.

  4. A few got taken care of today :) Had a blast with Adam, got to see my friend in the hospital, went to the open mic (that was fun!).

    Larry put off the water heater again :/ He's really not wanting to get into it. I need an incentive for him!

    No ReStore--no time for that today, and we're not traveling 100 miles again tomorrow to go. At least I think we're not.

    Beans--it rained all day, so the gardens are too wet to get into. I was glad, glad, glad it rained though because it's been bone dry here for the past 2 weeks and we've been watering.

    Wake--still don't know, will find out tomorrow. Huntington--maybe Tuesday. With the beans being ready, I expect to be canning tomorrow and/or Sunday. Storytelling again on Monday.

    John Henry Festival and Hinton--not going to be a priority this time.

  5. Granny Sue,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Sounds as though you are having a busy summer. I hope your friends who are in the hospital are doing better. I've enjoyed the stories on your blogs very much. It's great to meet another writer and storyteller.


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