
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Busy, Busy

Hard at it the past couple days: putting up elderberries and peaches and pickles, a few tomatoes. The elderberries are juiced and ready to make into juice and a cough syrup I want to try. There are also elderberries drying in the oven.

We visited our son last night and his peaches were ripe so after working on peaches most of the afternoon, I came home with over a bushel of more peaches. These are very small and will take a lot of time to work up, but they are delicious. Larry brought in another bucket of cucumbers this morning so pickling is in the forecast again.

Today I did no canning although I certainly had planned to. First we needed to do some catchup cleaning around here, getting laundry put away, etc. Then we worked on the hot water heater. We've been at this project off and on for months it seems. The dryer too. Both are gas and both will save us money because the gas is free and the electric isn't. I am happy to report that both are now working. Hurray! Next is to order the gas fridge--on the to-do list for tomorrow.

Beyond that I just nursed along a headache and muscle spasms in my shoulder and neck. Ouch. They're better now and I hope to see the end of them by tomorrow morning. Tonight is writer's group, so I'll sign off now and get myself ready to go.

See you tomorrow!


  1. info? Drying the elderberries. What setting -- and what kind of oven -- is it gas with just the pilot light maybe? I still have lots of elderberries and don't want them all in jelly.

  2. It was good seeing you at the meeting last night. Did you see what Suzette said on my wall on facebook? About a poetry contest...what do you think? Our cucumbers are bitter now, so we have stopped eating them. Hope your shoulder and neck are doing better.

  3. Granny Kate, I spread them on a cookie sheet and put them in my gas oven with just the pilot light. They're too tiny for the dehydrator. I bet you could put them on a cookie sheet, lay a window over them and put them in the sun and they'd dry.
    BTW, they are right tasty!

  4. Janet, I just saw Suzette's post. I'm thinking about it.

  5. Granny Sue -- Love peaches -- so difficult to find juicy ones any more ones that are homegrown and fresh.

    Gas free! Where do I sign up? Can you siphon some off your refrig to fill your car's gas tank? No I guess that would not be kosher. Sometime in the future, please tell us how this free gas works. -- barbara

  6. Will do, Barbara. It's sure a blessing.

  7. would love to have the free gas here too . . . but I have not heard of that happening in southern Iowa. So I will just be happy that it works for you. Is that where the stories of spook lights came from? Or do I have that expression wrong, oh Master Story Teller? : )


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