
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cabinet and Travels

We found this cabinet at Goodwill this week. It's one of those kitchen cabinets, all wood with a design painted on the glass doors. It's in very good shape. Someone painted it brown to look like wood, but I think we'll be taking it back to its original white. I like the red back, though. At $35 I think it was a good deal. It will go in the new log room eventually; for now, it's going to have to be stored because we have absolutely no place to put it.

Blame the photographer for the tilt! I was tired, that's my excuse.

We're having fun with the grandkids this weekend, on the road to all sorts of interesting places. I'll post photos later; yesterday we went to Philippi to see the mummies, and to the Transallegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston. Today is still up for grabs; I'm waiting for people to wake up so we can decide where we're going. It's sure to be an adventure wherever we go.

Where we were yesterday...


  1. Granny Sue -- Your new (for you) cupboard is wonderful. I am not familiar with a two drawer type -- I've only seen the middle one drawer type. What a great buy! -- barbara

  2. That will be beautiful painted white! That was a great price for it too! The GW in Teays Valley charges too much for things like that that I don't even go in there anymore.

    Hope you have a great time today!

  3. Love this old cabinet; bet it's gonna look great painted white. Share a photo when you get it done.

  4. I have one like it, Barbara, that was given to me by a friend. It has the two drawers too. Maybe they're newer than the others?

    Angela, I've been in that GW and agree with you--too high. It's odd how the prices vary from one to another.

    I will post a photo when it's done, Mama-bug, but it may be a while. We're just now digging the footer for the room! It will be a long project, so the cabinet will be waiting for a while before it's in use.

  5. Love this It is so beautiful. Susie

  6. Great old cabinet - will be very useful for storage. Dried seeds from your garden just popped into my thoughts. - Joy

  7. Thank you, Susie. I knew my blog readers would enjoy seeing it--so many of us love these vintage pieces.

    Joy, there's a thought! And a good idea for using it while it's stored away.

  8. I love the cupboard too and would never find it at Good Will here for $35.00. That's a great find. I'm looking forward to hearing about your day trips with the grandchildren and the raising of the cabin. Lots to look forward to!


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