
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Back At It

I tried to post yesterday with no luck--my new cell phone, smart though it might be, would not let me write a blog post.

So you all did not hear about my trip through two tunnels, across three states, over mountains and rivers. It was a wild ride, full of stories, exciting events and even a murder mystery. Sound like fun? It sure was.

I went to North Carolina, to Wilkes County, to attend a seminar by author Sharyn McCrumb on the Tom Dooley legend. McCrumb has a new book, a fictionalized account of the story that is based on the history of the region, the time period of the murder and the background of the people involved. Earlier this year I reviewed Karen Reynolds' book about Tom Dooley so you might be wondering, how much more could there be to know?

The answer is plenty. Because there was no actual evidence and the case was based on he said, she said, there are many people who believe Dooley was an innocent man hanged for a murder he did not commit. And there is enough doubt to allow any student of the case to draw several different conclusions. McCrumb's version is vastly different from Reynolds, even though they both worked from the same historic records, documents and legends.

I will post a few photos tomorrow, and more about Tom Dooley and the murder of Laura Foster for those unfamiliar with the story. Right now it's past this old granny's bedtime and the thunder is crackin' outside, so I'll say goodnight and close this computer before things get electrifying.


  1. Lol...and here I thought it was just a song. :)

  2. Oh my, no, Angel! In Wilkes County the murder is still a hot topic. And people have definite opinions about who did it too.

  3. Can't wait to read more on this! I'd love to be on one of your road trips; sounds like lots of fun.

  4. I'm still tired from this one, Mama-bug! I slept poorly before leaving, stayed up late the first night, then was up early the next day--and then drove home. I thought one day home would set me up but I must be getting old :)

  5. he said; she said. that there can wear ya all out. Still. Just saying. Looking forward to your written account.


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