
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Bad Hair Lavender Wreath

Today I knew I had to do it. I had to cut back my lavender.

It was difficult to do--I have had indifferent luck with lavender over the years and now I finally have a few strong, established plants. I have never cut them back, afraid that by doing so I'd jinx them and they'd die over the winter. But this summer it was apparent that they desperately needed a pruning. An herbal website recommended cutting them back now, before winter sets in, to give them the dormant season to develop good roots and be ready to take off in the spring.

So I steeled myself, found the clippers and went to work. The plants do look better. But on the ground was all this heavenly smelling lavender--it's not just the flowers that smell good, as most of you know.Could I just leave it there to slowly wither away? Of course not, or at least not all of it.

I grabbed a handful and brought it inside to put in water in a brown crock. Ah, the kitchen smells wonderful now! The lavender combined with the smells of the chicken noodle soup I'm making makes me sigh with pleasure.

Then I hunted up an old grapevine wreath. It's been hanging out on the porch with nothing on it and nothing much to do so I put it to work. I shoved clippings into the twisted vine, creating a pretty wild effect. When I hung it on the porch I thought the wreath needed something more. Back into the house I went. I was thinking about using something seasonal--pumpkins, Indian, that kind of thing, but my eyes rested instead on two little rocks and my fairy.

This is what I ended up with:

It's certainly wild-looking. I kinda like it. How about you?


  1. I rather like the wild look :) And, anything with lavender.

  2. Beautiful, at least your lavendar is still alive. The heat and drought this summer were just too much for mine. I'm planning on re-planting, and I better get busy, can't believe it's November.

  3. It's beautiful!!! You are so talented!!! I want one, now...

  4. Awesome!!!! Love the look..Lisa

  5. I'm with you, Farmchick! I'm a lavender junkie, I think :) So--the first 6 people to post a comment here will get a lavender sachet from me :). Just email me your snail mail to

  6. I'm jealous. I had one and wasn't doing so well this summer so hubby mowed it. I do like the wreath and LOVE lavender. :D

  7. I feel your pain, Angel--I'd like to have a dollar for the plants that have been mowed over around here! I finally planted the old hardy lavender and it thrives here. The newer hybrids don't do well at all.

  8. You did a wonderful job on that wreath! I love the little fairy, did you make her too! Just beautiful!

  9. I like it...looks cool I think!

  10. Very nice and it will give you pleasure for monthe to come as it dries on the wreath

  11. here in the MID of the mid west, I have tried and tried to grow Lavender so I know your pain as it came time to prune. Hopefully, your pruning will make it stronger come spring (will you mulch it over the winter? pile a bunch of leaves over it!) and now, you will have a sweet reminder on your wreath.


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