
Saturday, November 19, 2011

First Open Mic, And Tellabration is Coming!

No photos to share, but it was a fun night at the local library for the first open mic. I've wanted to do this for a long time; finally I found dates that worked for the library and for me and we scheduled the first in a series that will last through April.

How did it go?

Well, we didn't have crowds beating down the door. Eleven people came to listen or share stories, poems and songs. It was a good beginning, and I'm hopeful that we can continue to grow participation as word gets around. The mix was a singer/guitarist, an established poet, a  memoir from a lady who is venturing a bit into storyteller, some recited humorous verse, a man who had never stood in front of an audience but was inspired to tell two short funny stories, and me. It's a start. We also had someone volunteer to bring and set up his own (much better than mine) sound system. And we had lots of chocolate :)

In this area, there are limited opportunities for musicians, poets, storytellers and writers to share their work or work on new material with an audience. I sometimes drive as far as 3 hours away to attend an open mic, not just to participate but also to hear an inspiring array of voices and work. I figure if I am so hungry for something like this, others might feel the same way. So here I am, hoping to prove it true.

We'll do it again December 16th. If you're close by, join us. If you're far away, join us in spirit.

Tonight at 7pm I'll be in Middleport, Ohio for the annual Tellabration event organized by my friend, storyteller Donna Wilson. Tellabration is an annual worldwide day of storytelling-all over the world, storytellers take to the stage, or invite guests to their homes, to share stories. It's a powerful feeling to be part of such a widespread event. I will participate in another Tellabration in Beckley, WV, at the Tamarack Arts Center in Beckley, WV on Sunday afternoon at 4pm. Stories abounding--I love it!

I hope to see some of you along the way this weekend. And of course I'll try to come back with stories to tell you about the storytelling.


  1. "My" McClay Library event is small, but friendly, and I always feel good there and afterward. Numbers are less important than the feel of the event, and when it grows, it will grow well.
    I like the progress report on your new log room, and it reminded me of the half-built walls I have often seen in the Caribbean and Mediterranean, where people buy the materials as they can afford them and add them to the structure as they go along -- a "concrete" savings account.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Granny Sue. I've taken a quick look at your blog and enjoyed what I've read so far. I'll be back. You and John must have other extended family who are writers and photographers, as well! Jackson County, WV? Do you know Janet of "Writing in the Blackberry Patch?" Maybe she will join your open mic group at the library. Jim

  3. I must have missed where it was. What library is it on the 16? I might be able to make it, not sure at the moment. :)

  4. Jim, welcome! I do have two sisters who blog occasionally, and my granddaughter started one but hasn't written in a while. Blogs take commitment :) I really enjoyed yours and will add a link to my sidebar.

    Janet is a member of my writing group-small world! She missed this first session but plans to come next month, I think.

    Angel, I sure hope you can make it. It's a lot of fun,very laid back, plenty of coffee and cookies :)

    I like the sound of your event, Mary. I am hopeful this one will grow slowly and be easily manageable. There is nothing quite like open mic for a refreshing change and unexpected pleasure!


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